Born in Connecticut, rooted in Puerto Rico
I am an artist of Catholic Sacred Art, primarily a painter and wood sculptor, although I’ve done major works in mosaic, ceramic sculpture, portraits and serigraphs. I have principally dedicated the gift I found I had, to the will and needs of the church; in doing so I have worked with materials that were most readily available and affordable to fulfill the requirements of the work that was needed.
I came to my art first as a tradesman, a skilled worker. My father was a carpenter and as a teenager I built houses with him; my brother an ironworker and so I worked on permit with him while in school.
I wandered a great deal as a young man (I’ve worked as a fisherman, cowboy, carpenter, mechanic, longshoreman, merchant seaman and sign-painter). And so it was late that I came to formal education in the university, and although I thrived there, eventually earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with honors from University of Hartford while also pursuing independent studies in Mexico, I knew college was but a shelter, a stopping-off place, and that the comfort it afforded was not for me. I needed the challenge, the risk and even the uncertainty that drives artistic creation.
Early on I was inspired by the great master Michelangelo, and I’ve always been deeply moved by Catholic art ever since the first time I encountered it as a child in our local church St. Joseph’s in New London, Connecticut; the stained glass windows, the painted murals, the wood carvings of the Stations of the Cross and the marble statues of Christ, His mother Mary and His saints.
Since 1984 I have lived in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico where I dedicate my life and art to a search for the spiritual dimensions of human nature as well as God’s beauty revealed in Creation. Through my paintings, portraits, sculpture, serigraphs and murals I seek to reveal the Light within.
A defining work came in the year 2001 when the Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Monseñor Roberto González Nieves, O.F.M., commissioned me to paint the official portrait of the first Blessed of Puerto Rico, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago. It hangs in the Hall of Saints of the Pontifical North American College at the Vatican.

Art defines for me the gateway to a deeper reality. In a world that moves too fast it is my braking mechanism, the search-light of my direction, the balance point of my stability. In a world of detached science and ephemeral technology, it is my intimate link with my Creator.
To state a beauty of whatever kind is to continue an action that has always been and will never cease as long as we hold the capacity to marvel, to be transported into that beauty which transcends the ordinary and gifts us with a glimpse of the divine.
I continue to marvel at how beauty happens as I work from the inspiration I receive from the Miracles and Scripture. For me art is an act of salvation.
To contact me: 787-587-9003 HC-01 Box 29030 PMB 558 Caguas, Puerto Rico 00725-8900
My LinkedIn Profile
My Gallery
My YouTube channel
Nacido en Connecticut, arraigado en Puerto Rico
Soy un artista de Arte Sacro Católico, principalmente pintor y escultor en madera, aunque he realizado importantes obras de mosaico, escultura en cerámica, retratos y serigrafías. Principalmente he dedicado el don que encontré que tenía, a la voluntad y necesidades de la iglesia; Al hacerlo, he trabajado con los materiales más fácilmente disponibles y asequibles para cumplir con los requisitos del trabajo que se necesitaba.
Llegué a mi arte primero como comerciante, como trabajador calificado. Mi padre era carpintero y cuando era adolescente construía casas con él; mi hermano era herrero, por lo que trabajé con un permiso mientras estaba en la escuela.
De joven deambulé mucho (he trabajado como pescador, vaquero, carpintero, mecánico, estibador, marino mercante y pintor de carteles). Por eso, llegué tarde a la educación formal en la universidad, y aunque prosperé allí, y finalmente obtuve una Licenciatura en Bellas Artes con honores de la Universidad de Hartford y al mismo tiempo realicé estudios independientes en México, sabía que la universidad no era más que un refugio. , un lugar de paso, y que la comodidad que me proporcionaba no era para mí. Necesitaba el desafío, el riesgo y hasta la incertidumbre que impulsa la creación artística.
Desde el principio me inspiré en el gran maestro Miguel Ángel, y siempre me ha conmovido profundamente el arte católico desde la primera vez que lo encontré cuando era niño en nuestra iglesia local St. Joseph’s en New London, Connecticut; los vitrales, los murales pintados, las tallas en madera del Vía Crucis y las estatuas de mármol de Cristo, Su madre María y Sus santos.
Desde 1984 vivo en Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, donde dedico mi vida y mi arte a la búsqueda de las dimensiones espirituales de la naturaleza humana, así como de la belleza de Dios revelada en la Creación. A través de mis pinturas, retratos, esculturas, serigrafías y murales busco revelar la Luz interior.
Una obra definitoria llegó en el año 2001 cuando el Arzobispo de San Juan, Puerto Rico, Monseñor Roberto González Nieves, O.F.M., me encargó pintar el retrato oficial del primer Beato de Puerto Rico, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago. Se encuentra colgado en el Salón de los Santos del Pontificio Colegio Norteamericano del Vaticano.
El arte define para mí la puerta de entrada a una realidad más profunda. En un mundo que se mueve demasiado rápido, es mi mecanismo de frenado, el reflector de mi dirección, el punto de equilibrio de mi estabilidad. En un mundo de ciencia desapegada y tecnología efímera, es mi vínculo íntimo con mi Creador.
Expresar una belleza de cualquier tipo es continuar una acción que siempre ha sido y nunca cesará mientras tengamos la capacidad de maravillarnos, de ser transportados a esa belleza que trasciende lo ordinario y nos regala un vislumbre de lo divino.
Sigo maravillándome de cómo surge la belleza mientras trabajo con la inspiración que recibo de los Milagros y las Escrituras. Para mí el arte es un acto de salvación.
Dear Von,
My name is Thomas Heineman, we knew each other many years ago from Mystic Connecticut. I worked with you for a short time, I worked at Puritan and Genesta’s, the health food store on Main Street as well before I left Mystic.I also visited you and Patti in PR with my wife Chieko maybe 30 years ago. It’s been a long time. I wouldn’t be at all surprized if you didn’t remember me. Nevertheless I would love to reconnect with you. I am traveling to PR in the spring and would love to visit your gallery if at all possible. Please let me know. Thank you,
Hi Tom. Yes of course! It’s good to hear from you after all these years. When in the Spring might you be coming? Let me know through an email at and we can be in touch. All the best to your family. Patty sends her regards.
As always, vonn