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Welcome! Bienvenidos!
Laudato Si Art Exhibit
For Easter Devotion—Via Lucis
Por la Devoción Pascual—Via Lucis
Some major works by Catholic artist A.Vonn Hartung
Algunas Obras en Puerto Rico
The Resurrection: Joy, Hope and Salvation
La Resurrección: Alegría, Esperanza y Salvación
He is Risen
¡Ha Resucitado!
It is the Lord!
Peter, do you love me?
Christ visits His Mother
And they saw the tomb was empty…(Mark 16)
Contemplative Images for Holy Week
Imágenes contemplativas para Semana Santa
Stations of the Cross
Madre Dolorosa Sorrowful Mother
The Agony of Crucifixion
Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez
“Vivimos para Esa Noche”
Television Interview with A.Vonn Hartung
New Videos for Easter 2020
Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist
Thorns of Christ / Las Espinas de Cristo
The Holy Family
A.Vonn Hartung—new art gallery
Ukrainian Mother and Child
The Bombing of Ukraine
Saint Dymphna
Santa Dimpna
Eve and Adam—a pandemic carving
Visualizing Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Si”
Earth Day 2019
The World’s Greatest Challenge!
On Earth as in Heaven
Así en la Tierra Como en El Cielo
Through Him all things were made Jn 1:3
Sólo Un Futuro
Ships of Fools
The Fate of Jonah
Fishers of Men
Deviled Eggs
My father’s glimpse of paradise
El vistazo del paraíso de mi padre
El Jíbaro Puertorriqueño
Aún hay Magos
El Yunque, protector from hurricanes
“Let it be Done”
“Deo Gratias” / I Give Thanks
Saint Benedict of Nursia
Saint Michael Archangel
St. Joseph, man of deep Faith
St. Francis lived in the Holy Spirit
San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo
Stations of Mercy
“The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist”
St. Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Missionaries
St. Joseph, Protector
St. Peter the Apostle
St. Luke the Evangelist
St. John Apostle and Evangelist
El Buen Pastor / The Good Shepherd
Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego
Forever Young, Siempre Joven, Christ Among Us
Doors of Mercy
Peace in the Valley
Teacher Mentor Friend Hero
Love Lives!
Perfect Harmony
My Brother the Bridge Builder
The Mystical Cat
Faith in Art
How I came to know His star
About the Artist
Donations to Causes and Charities through the Art of A.Vonn Hartung
My Story
Journey to Sacred Art
When we lived with a “Saint”
Climate Change: Saving God’s Creation
Wood Sculpture
Ceramic Sculpture
Expressionistic Works
Puertorriqueñidad / Puerto Rican Culture
Faith Hope Inspiration
Church Paintings
“Via Crucis”
Murals and Retablos
“Via Lucis” Stations of the Resurrection
Newspaper Articles
In English
En Español
My Account
Ceramic Sculpture
St. Benedict of Nursia
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Ignatius of Loyola
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