Welcome! Bienvenidos!

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”   Michelangelo





No room in the inn Lk 2:7
Before Birth, Mary at the Mangeracrylic painting


Ukrainian Mother and Childacrylic painting



Saint Dymphna—detail/ life-size wood-carved statue



El Jíbaro —oil portrait



El Yunque, protector from Hurricanes—oil painting


Peace in the Valley—oil painting


On Earth as it is in Heaven—oil painting


La Madre Dolorosa —detail/ life-size high relief wood sculpture


Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago —oil portrait / At the Vatican


"Let it be Done", painting by AVonnHartung for Walsingham UK
     “Let it be Done”  —acrylic painting


He is Risen! / ¡Ha Resucitado!—acrylic painting


First Visit—acrylic painting


It is the Lord!—acrylic painting


Peter, do you love me?—acrylic painting
"Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego" painting by AVonnHartung
Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe—oil painting


St. Michael Archangel Icon high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung (Artist's Collection)
   St. Michael Archangel —high relief wood sculpture


"Deo Gratias" / "I Give Thanks" serigraph by AVonnHartung
   Deo Gratias / I Give Thanks —serigraph limited edition
Aun hay Magos / There are still Wise Men—serigraph limited edition
Surco Vital / Vital Furrow—serigraph limited edition


Paz / Peace—serigraph limited edition

22 Responses

  1. Vonn,

    Even as e-mails, your work shows how talented you are. It’s a pleasure to count you and Patty as members of our community and good friends.


  2. I was fortunate to meet your brother many years ago at St Joseph’s Church in New London, Ct. I see him from time to time in and around New London and Niantic, Ct. I remember him being so proud of you and your talent. When I ran into him at the grocery store he was excited to give me this web address so I could admire your work. I am very happy to witness your beautiful works of art, and I am very happy you are still here to express your works, and be able to a part of your on going Christian works.

    1. Thank you Michael! Saint Joseph’s is where it all began for me. The most beautiful Sacred Art and filled with the Faithful. My Brother and I were so Blessed to have such a Family. I’m thankful you’re still here also. Folks forget that Beauty is the language of Love and God speaks it Most Fluently. All of Creation is His and ours to share if only we Care.
      God Bless. vonn

  3. Saludos a Don Arturo
    y a su distinguida esposa
    pareja tan amistosa,
    espontánea y sin muro
    que dejan ambiente puro
    por su amor por Puerto Rico
    en arte tan exquisito
    por su gente, por su flora
    y su fauna que la explora
    en el lienzo y en granito.

    Un honor el conocerles.

    1. Saludos Don José …
      El encuentro con usted es la prueba de que se encuentra gente interesante en los senderos menos viajados . También me recuerda que si te encuentres con una persona que es un oyente excepcional
      con un curioso sentido de inteligencia e interés, puede ser una persona extraordinaria! Así que no fue sorprendente descubrir que, además de la recolección de objetos muy interesantes y curiosos de todo tipo, eres también un autor.
      Muchas Gracias por sus palabras bondadosas. Definitivamente intentamos a visitar a Carlos en Vega Alta, tan pronto como lo permita la vida.
      Mientras tanto vamos a mantener un ojo agudo para usted si vamos a cualquier lugar interesante en los senderos menos viajados.
      Que disfrutes la búsqueda de tesoros y su escritura!
      Sus amigos de interés, Arturo y Patricia

  4. Vonn- beautiful work, from one carver to another you are truly a gifted artist, it was so good seeing you again after all these years

  5. Ray. It was also wonderful to see you again and to see the work you and the carvers are doing at the island.
    So they have purchased a honing machine and fortunate to still get one.
    Looks as I will be back in Aug. Hope to see you then..
    Good Carving, God Bless. Vonn

  6. I love your “Lost Sheep”. Our daughter (Seth’s grandaughter) is also pursuing art – she did not get her talent from her parents. To God be the glory!

  7. Thank you Vonn for sharing your beautiful Artwork with me — I was so very fortunate to run into your Brother Neil a couple months ago, after loosing track of you for so many years — I was equally concerned to hear of your plight after the devastation from the recent storm(s) that hit Puerto Rico —- I am so glad that you & I have reunited our friendship, and that I got a chance to view your beautiful artwork. — Please know that my prayers for a speedy end to the hardship that you are enduring, are with you and your Family — God Bless you, and please keep in touch ! ————– Jan Miller

    1. Jan, I just became aware of your uplifting post on my website. I’m so glad that you bumped into my brother, that we are back in touch and that you find my artwork inspiring. It was from a very early age that I pursued Catholic Sacred Art. Jesus is the Light of the world! To help bring Him and His saints closer to our brothers and sisters I believe helps to spread that Light. It is wonderful to be in touch with you once again. God Bless you! Vonn

  8. My dear Brother Vonn,
    It has been many years, too many years, since we have spoken. Half a life-time has passed since you taught me to cook with Caribbean spices, how to dance, and how to paint. Yet, even after 45 years of no contact- my children know your name, for I have often spoken of you. Such an impression you made on my heart and my soul. I met you in the Factory, in Jamaica Plain, MA when I was young, and you were ageless, and Jorge opened Sociadad Latino. I am most humbled to find you, and discover that you are devoting your life to Christ. Your deep faith is nothing we had ever discussed. I was at that time, at best, a seeker, and in reality a pagan, when we last had concourse. I travelled many years of life through discovery of mysticism and shamanism. But, as you know, Mary always pursues the heart of those who seek truth. She walked with me for many years as my confidant and friend, bringing me step by step, back to her son. I converted, at age 45, to Catholicism, and for the last 11 years have served Christ as an ordained Deacon, in his holy church, in the Arch-Diocese of Boston. I have been over-whelmed to see the on-line images of your art works and by the beauty of your devotion. Recently I was in NYC and visited Linda Whitaker at her sister’s (Roberta aka Alicia) apartment in Manhattan. On display was a collection of Pre-Columbian artifacts you had bequeathed to her- and, of course, we reminisced of the remarkable Vonn. My dear friend, you live on in so many hearts, so many stories, so many moments of revelation. You are a blessing. May the Peace of Christ enfold you. God bless you. Gregory Burch

    1. Brother Gregory !
      Your reappearance and message has brought great joy to me.
      A wonderful Blessing in this Easter Time.
      I have thought of you so many times over the many years that have passed. I wondered of course what life brought to you and how you were doing.
      Now I have learned Mother Mary has taken care of you and brought you to her Son and into His Church.
      Today is the Feast Day of Saint Mark. Mark was originally pushed away by Saint Paul but Barnabas saw his potential and brought him into the Fold.
      So today we have his Gospel !
      Deacon Gregory, I can’t wait to talk to you. Please send me your phone number and tell me a time when it is convenient for you to talk.
      Your brother in Christ,

  9. Although the pandemic has separated us physically, we are united together spiritually through Christ and with all our brothers and sisters who, like me, love you and Patty. Thank you for sharing your time and beautiful works of inspiring art with all of us. We have been blessed by our Lord to have such loving people as you and Patty among us. We are all one, big ,happy family!

    1. God Bless you Wilbert! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! You are truly a bright and shining light in all of our lives! May the Lord watch over you always!
      un fuerte abrazo from your brother and sister in Christ

    1. Thank you for your inquiry. I do not have outdoor ceramic Via Lucis Stations available. I am an independent artist working on commission, and currently I only sell giclee reproductions on canvas of some of my original works of art. Thank you for your interest in my work.

  10. Hello Arthur, you have very beatiful art, i’m very surprise about your talent. I think my favorite piece it’s the one about the arcangel Miguel hahaha. Les mando un abrazo a ti y a Patricia.

    1. Thank you Miguel. Yes, that’s a beautiful woodcarving. You have good taste! May St Michael watch over and protect you always ?

  11. It is always a pleasure to periodically peruse your site because I find ‘hidden’ gems here that show your versatility, talent, and the variety of your subjects. I look forward to your next exhibition.

    With all the streaming video footage we are bombarded with daily, I thank you for your contributions to the practice of stopping to contemplate an image, a moment in time, including all its details, with which we can develop meaning and understanding at our own pace, not pushed at the pace of a video camera.

    You are leaving your mark!

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