“It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)
St. Joseph, man of deep Faith. He received his revelations through DREAMS. Hence, I carved him with his eyes closed; the revelation that Mary was to be the mother God (Mt 1:20), his dream that they should flee to Egypt to escape the murderous wrath and jealousy of King Herod (Mt 2:13)
Shown here, in celebration of St. Joseph’s Feast Day, is my high relief wood sculpture “Holy Family” (42 x 44-inches)
The setting is the Temple (Luke 2:41-50)
The Holy Family
Joseph, the central figure, his eyes closed, deep in prayer, is the picture of humility through blind faith.
Depicted here is a recollection of Joseph’s prophetic dream (Mt 2:13) when the angel instructed him to flee to safety in Egypt, from the murderous jealousy of King Herod.
Depicted here is a scene in the family’s carpenter shop at Nazareth, with Jesus as an adult with Joseph and Mary, the eve before leaving to begin his ministry (extra biblical)
Today, San Jose Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is reopening after a massive reconstruction that took nearly twenty years to complete. Built between 1532 and 1735, it is a restoration of the second oldest surviving Spanish church in the Americas. Providentially this coincides with the celebration of The Year of St. Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis.
The Mass will be celebrated by Mons. Roberto Gonzalez Nieves.
My most recent wood sculpture, carved through the period of the hurricanes Irma and MARIA. Approximately 3 feet high, carved in Tropical Cedar because of the desired color and its resistance to termites here in Puerto Rico. For Capilla Maria Auxiliadora, a small chapel in rural Carolina, Puerto Rico.
I’ve carved St. Joseph as a protector and a traveler; a stand-up guy who was always looking out for his wife and child, ready to defend them along the way of life which was full of dangers. He was a man of deep Faith who received his revelations through DREAMS: that Mary was the mother of God and that he should get out of Bethlehem and go to Egypt to escape the danger of Herod who wanted to kill the newborn King. Of course, we know he was a carpenter and must have been a wonderful father.