Sacred Art Woodcarvings

Some major works by Catholic artist A.Vonn Hartung

Some major works by Catholic artist A.Vonn Hartung


Acrylic painting on canvas, Let it be Done, portrays the Annunciation event.
Let it be Done

  Painting (acrylic) on canvas, 60 x 36-inches. The Angel Gabriel descends in divine glory and declares the message from God the Father. After pondering deep in her heart, the words and their meaning, Mary gives her consent. At that very moment she is filled with the luminous light of grace as she vows to fulfill the will of the Father and to deliver His only Son incarnate as Jesus Christ into the world according to His divine plan for our salvation. The painting is an interpretation of the visions received by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (Augustinian Nun) in 1821, with some added symbolism by the Artist to enhance and clarify the spiritual and prophetic consequences of the Annunciation Event. READ MORE.


Second Station of the Cross painting by A.Vonn Hartung—Jesus takes up his cross
Jesus takes up his cross

Painting (acrylic) on wood panel, 48 x 96-inches. THESE STATIONS OF THE CROSS paintings show the process of conversion as Jesus was put to the test and tormented. They express a perspective that emphasizes the effect Jesus had on those present during his ordeal of carrying his own cross to his crucifixion on Calvary. As the bystanders are pulled into his suffering, we follow by observing closely, the actual Revelatory conversion of the principal Roman soldier; we see how the outpouring of grief and compassion of others around him begin to melt away his own cruelty and indifference. READ MORE.


Agony of Crucifixion wood sculpture by A.Vonn Hartung for St. John's Catholic Church (Montville, Connecticut)
The Agony of Crucifixion


Wood Sculpture, life-size (120 x 50-inches), Linden Wood with Mahogany cross.

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”

(“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) Mt 27. 

I carved this crucified Christ after an in-depth study of the book,  A Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet M.D.,

a forensic pathologist’s analysis of the Holy Shroud of Turin.

It reveals a graphic account of Jesus’s suffering at the hands of the Romans. READ MORE.


"Forgive them Father" closeup detail of high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung
Forgive them Father, Wood Sculpture, 70 x 48-inches, Linden Wood (detail of full size sculpture)



                               La Madre Dolorosa

High Relief Wood Sculpture, 33 x 27-inches, Pau Lope wood

Expresses the agony of Jesus through His mother Mary; the betrayal by Judas, the arrest, torturous scourging, trial, carrying of the cross, and finally the agonizing crucifixion and death at Golgotha.

The Sorrowful Mother contemplates the seven sorrows of her life, represented by the seven swords piercing her heart. READ MORE.


St. Luke high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung for St. Paul's Catholic Church (Pensacola, Florida)
St. Luke the Evangelist

High relief wood sculpture (33 x 12 x 3-inches), one of the six saints carved by A.Vonn Hartung for the Ambo of St. Paul’s Church in Pensacola, Florida. Artistically I have placed St. Luke the Evangelist in the center of his mission; I have conveyed, a feeling of the harmony brought to him through the gift of the Holy Spirit.  READ MORE


St.Benedict of Nursia ceramic sculpture High relief by AVonnHartung for private collection (Puerto Rico)
               St. Benedict of Nursia

High Relief Ceramic Sculpture (32 x 11 x 3-inches)

Ora et labora (Pray and work)—refers to the Catholic monastic practice of working and praying. St. Benedict viewed prayer and work as partners and believed in combining contemplation with action. St. Benedict is shown here writing; this is significant for two major reasons. READ MORE


                   El Beato

Oil portrait on canvas (34 x 26-inches). Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez was beatified on April 29, 2001, by His Holiness (now Saint) John Paul II. He was the first Puerto Rican, the first Caribbean-born layperson and the first layperson in the history of the United States to be beatified. At the core of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez’ spirituality (Pope John Paul II said) was his faith in the Resurrection. He promoted the Easter Vigil as the defining moment of Christian spiritual life, repeating often, “We live for that night.” (Vivimos para esa Noche). This portrait hangs in the Hall of Saints at the Pontifical North American College, Vatican, commissioned by Monseñor Roberto González Nieves, Archbishop of Puerto Rico. READ MORE.


St. Dymphna, Wood Sculpture, life-size statue, Spanish Cedar

 Saint Dymphna, patron saint of mental illness, was martyred in the 7th century for her faith. At 14 years old she was beheaded by her father, a minor king, for her refusal to marry him and become his queen. She presents the Gospel of the Lord, her declaration of faith, and her shield. READ MORE.

Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist
Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

The Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

 In this wood carving, “Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist”,  I express the Epiphany of the Miracle of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

As is revealed to us concerning the Last Supper (Matthew 26:26-28)— 
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

I carved Mary, Mother of Jesus at the foot of the Cross in the moment of Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist!

Mother Mary receiving the body and blood of Jesus her son into the form of the Holy Eucharist is, to me, the fulfillment of the Incarnation.

The original use of the word Epiphany is associated with the Divine Revelation in the visit of the Magi at the birth of our Lord, baby Jesus at Bethlehem. This signifies that God came to Earth in human form  for “the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15)

Photo by John Betancourt

Buy a giclee print of this wood carving


Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía

En esta talla de madera, “Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía,”  expreso la Epifanía del Milagro del Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesucristo en la Santísima Eucaristía.

Como se nos revela respecto de la Última Cena (Mateo 26:26-28)—

Mientras comían, Jesús tomó pan y lo bendijo. Luego lo partió y se lo dio a sus discípulos, diciéndoles:—Tomen y coman; esto es mi cuerpo. Después tomó una copa, dio gracias y se la dio a ellos diciéndoles:—Beban de ella todos ustedes.  Esto es mi sangre del pacto que es derramada por muchos para el perdón de pecados.

¡He tallado a María, Madre de Jesús al pie de la Cruz en el momento de la Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía!

La Madre María recibiendo el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesús, su hijo, en la forma de la Sagrada Eucaristía es, para mí, el cumplimiento de la Encarnación.

El uso original de la palabra Epifanía está asociado con la Revelación Divina en la visita de los Reyes Magos en el nacimiento de nuestro Señor, el niño Jesús en Belén.  Esto significa que Dios vino a la Tierra en forma humana para “los gentiles y sus reyes y para el pueblo de Israel”. (Hechos 9:15)

Foto: John Betancourt


The Holy Family

“The Holy Family” is an illuminated high relief woodcarving in tropical cedar and mahogany measuring 42 by 44-inches.

It testifies to the revelations, dreams, miracles, and prophecy of the divine events leading up to and beyond the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. It is subtitled “The Faith of St. Joseph”, as it is in Faith that we hope and have our being in the triune God of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

"Holy Family" is a high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung for private collection
The Holy Family


Like ancient Christian sacred art, whether found in the catacombs of Rome or icons from the 5th century, sacred Christian images are still made today as testimony to the Incarnation of God in our Lord Jesus Christ and the holiness of the saints in the history of Salvation.
“The Holy Family”, a wooden sculpture represents Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the temple environment of Luke chapter 2.

Central detail, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, of Holy Family wood sculpture by A.Vonn Hartung.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph

Its composition is inspired by architectural elements and its images and symbols as artistically constructed in Catholic churches, taken from the Sacred Liturgy, showing various miracles, revelations, and Prophecies from the Bible.

Mary’s awareness of who Jesus is, Jesus’ unity with his Father, and Joseph’s deep faith expressed through his closed eyes (John chapter 20 verse 29: “Blessed are those who have not seen and believed”), and with the lion and the lamb taken from the prophecy of Isaiah, chapter 11.

A panel from the wood carving "The Holy Family", Mary's direct encounter with the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation
The Annunciation

Represented here is Mary’s direct encounter with the angel Gabriel at The Annunciation (Luke, chapter 1).


Jesus' first miracle, the Wedding at Cana, one of the carved panels in the wood sculpture "The Holy Family" by A.Vonn Hartung
Wedding at Cana

  Her understanding of Jesus’ divine power will be revealed in the first miracle at the wedding at Cana (John chapter 2).


Holy Family detail_Joseph's prophetic dream to safety in Egypt

The Gospel says little of St.Joseph. “It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

Joseph’s faith instead comes through dreams, first in the angelic council at the time of his marriage to Mary (Matthew chapter 1) and again in Bethlehem when the angel of the Lord warns him to flee to Egypt away from the murderous jealousy of King Herod (Matthew, chapter 2).

A carved panel in the wood sculpture "The Holy Family" Depicted is a scene in the family's carpenter shop at Nazareth, with Jesus as an adult with Joseph and Mary, the eve before leaving to begin his ministry (extra-biblical)

Depicted here is a scene (extra-biblical) that shows Jesus, as an adult and before beginning his ministry, in his family’s home and in their carpentry shop with the tools of his trade.

Sacred Christian Art is not achieved by the artist alone, but with the Holy Spirit and the believer who looks in contemplative prayer, beyond matter to transcendence.Some of this I know from my own interaction with works of Sacred Art and my personal prayerful struggle to bring the Word to life, to make visible what would otherwise remain as thought.

View the video “The Holy Family”

Saint Michael Archangel

St Michael Archangel

I carved this icon in American Linden wood. It is an interpretation influenced by the tradition of Eastern Orthodox Iconography.  Saint Michael the Archangel stares down the evil one who he has pinned with his staff.  I carved in the upper corners the two fallen angels as they shrink away in shame from His divine power.

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Buy a giclee print of this carving


READ MORE about the Prayer to Saint Michael



San Miguel arcángel

Esculpí este icono en madera de tilo americano. Es una interpretación influenciada por la tradición de la iconografía ortodoxa oriental. San Miguel Arcángel mira fijamente al maligno que ha inmovilizado con su bastón. Esculpí en las esquinas superiores a los dos ángeles caídos mientras se alejaban avergonzados de Su poder divino.

San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, es nuestra humilde súplica. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén.

LEER MAS sobre la Oración a San Miguel

St. Joseph, man of deep Faith

The Gospel says little of him.

“It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

St. Joseph, man of deep Faith. He received his revelations through DREAMS. Hence, I carved him with his eyes closed; the revelation that Mary was to be the mother God (Mt 1:20), his dream that they should flee to Egypt to escape the murderous wrath and jealousy of King Herod (Mt 2:13)

Shown here, in celebration of St. Joseph’s Feast Day, is my high relief wood sculpture “Holy Family” (42 x 44-inches)

The setting is the Temple (Luke 2:41-50)


"Holy Family" is a high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung for private collection
The Holy Family


Holy Family detail
Joseph, the central figure, his eyes closed, deep in prayer, is the picture of humility through blind faith.


Holy Family detail_Joseph's prophetic dream to safety in Egypt
Depicted here is a recollection of Joseph’s prophetic dream (Mt 2:13) when the angel instructed him to flee to safety in Egypt, from the murderous jealousy of King Herod.



Holy Family detail
Depicted here is a scene in the family’s carpenter shop at Nazareth, with Jesus as an adult with Joseph and Mary, the eve before leaving to begin his ministry (extra biblical)


Today, San Jose Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is reopening after a massive reconstruction that took nearly twenty years to complete. Built between 1532 and 1735, it is a restoration of the second oldest surviving Spanish church in the Americas. Providentially this coincides with the celebration of The Year of St. Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis.

 The Mass will be celebrated by Mons. Roberto Gonzalez Nieves.San Jose Church in San Juan Puerto Rico


St. Joseph, Protector

St. Joseph, Protector

 My most recent wood sculpture, carved through the period of the hurricanes Irma and MARIA. Approximately 3 feet high, carved in Tropical Cedar because of the desired color and its resistance to termites here in Puerto Rico. For Capilla Maria Auxiliadora, a small chapel in rural Carolina, Puerto Rico.

I’ve carved St. Joseph as a protector and a traveler; a stand-up guy who was always looking out for his wife and child, ready to defend them along the way of life which was full of dangers. He was a man of deep Faith who received his revelations through DREAMS: that Mary was the mother of God and that he should get out of Bethlehem and go to Egypt to escape the danger of Herod who wanted to kill the newborn King. Of course, we know he was a carpenter and must have been a wonderful father.

St. Joseph, Protector


Last Chance to Sign-up for my Woodcarving Workshop

Last weekend to sign up for my Sacred Art Woodcarving Workshop/Retreat.

Date: August 6-11, 2017

At Sacred Art Institute, Enders Island,

            Mystic, Connecticut

Call and ask for/leave message for Tracie 860-536-0565.

 Whether you’d like to learn a new skill or to continue more advanced study, this class is for you!

Although Enders Island is a Catholic retreat center, it is ecumenical in spirit and outreach and all are welcome! Hope to see you there!   

St. Michael Archangel Icon high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung (Artist's Collection)













Learn Wood Carving with Master Carver

I will be teaching a Wood Carving Workshop at the Sacred Art Institute on beautiful Enders Island in Mystic, Connecticut on Long Island Sound.

St. Michael Archangel Icon high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung (Artist's Collection)

Date: August 6-11, 2017

Learn a new skill or continue more advanced study

View a video of last year’s Wood Carving Workshop


Although Enders Island is a Catholic retreat center, it is “committed to Pope Saint John Paul II’s vision of inclusiveness and friendship among all faiths…”

Hope to see you there!

“Described as a ‘little known gem’ this 11 acre island is surrounded by beautiful gardens framing breathtaking ocean vistas. Home to St. Edmund’s Retreat, there is a soulful tranquility to this place that seems to hang in the air with the ocean breezes. There are plenty of garden paths to walk and seaside benches to soak in the sun and saltwater air.…” (Assisi Institute)















Upcoming Classes by AVonnHartung

A.Vonn Hartung will be teaching two dynamic workshops this Summer (Woodcarving and Mosaics) at the Sacred Art Institute at St. Edmund’s Retreat on Enders Island in beautiful Mystic, Connecticut on Long Island Sound.

Aerial view of Enders Island, Mystic, Connecticut
Aerial view of Enders Island, Mystic, Connecticut

July 24-29: Woodcarving
July 30-Aug 6: Mosaics

If you can make it, to start a new hobby or to continue more advanced study, this class is for you!

Although St. Edmund’s is a Catholic Order, it is ecumenical in spirit and outreach and all are welcome! Hope to see you there!

One of the breathtaking views on this 11 acre island

“Described as a ‘little known gem’ this 11 acre island is surrounded by beautiful gardens framing breathtaking ocean vistas. Home to St. Edmund’s Retreat, there is a soulful tranquility to this place that seems to hang in the air with the ocean breezes. There are plenty of garden paths to walk and seaside benches to soak in the sun and saltwater air. It is a short trip into the picturesque coastal village of Stonington, CT., one of the last remaining authentic New England fishing villages…” (Assisi Institute)