Sacred Art in Puerto Rico

Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist
Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

The Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist

 In this wood carving, “Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist”,  I express the Epiphany of the Miracle of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

As is revealed to us concerning the Last Supper (Matthew 26:26-28)— 
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

I carved Mary, Mother of Jesus at the foot of the Cross in the moment of Epiphany of the Miracle of the Eucharist!

Mother Mary receiving the body and blood of Jesus her son into the form of the Holy Eucharist is, to me, the fulfillment of the Incarnation.

The original use of the word Epiphany is associated with the Divine Revelation in the visit of the Magi at the birth of our Lord, baby Jesus at Bethlehem. This signifies that God came to Earth in human form  for “the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15)

Photo by John Betancourt

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Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía

En esta talla de madera, “Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía,”  expreso la Epifanía del Milagro del Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesucristo en la Santísima Eucaristía.

Como se nos revela respecto de la Última Cena (Mateo 26:26-28)—

Mientras comían, Jesús tomó pan y lo bendijo. Luego lo partió y se lo dio a sus discípulos, diciéndoles:—Tomen y coman; esto es mi cuerpo. Después tomó una copa, dio gracias y se la dio a ellos diciéndoles:—Beban de ella todos ustedes.  Esto es mi sangre del pacto que es derramada por muchos para el perdón de pecados.

¡He tallado a María, Madre de Jesús al pie de la Cruz en el momento de la Epifanía del Milagro de la Eucaristía!

La Madre María recibiendo el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesús, su hijo, en la forma de la Sagrada Eucaristía es, para mí, el cumplimiento de la Encarnación.

El uso original de la palabra Epifanía está asociado con la Revelación Divina en la visita de los Reyes Magos en el nacimiento de nuestro Señor, el niño Jesús en Belén.  Esto significa que Dios vino a la Tierra en forma humana para “los gentiles y sus reyes y para el pueblo de Israel”. (Hechos 9:15)

Foto: John Betancourt


Ukrainian Mother and Child

Ukrainian mother and child

Latest painting— “Ukrainian Mother and Child” 

The Sacred and the Profane

This painting “Ukrainian Mother and Child” addresses the Sacred (Love in Peace) contrasted by the Profane (Hate in War).

Additionally it speaks of the Spiritual opposed to the Material.

The towers of the cathedral of Kyiv, Saint Sophia are visible in the upper middle.  Moreover the love of the mother and peace of the sleeping child express the spirituality.

 Significantly, on either side of the Ukrainian mother and child are the mysterious hands holding up the Sky.

Furthermore, two constellations were visible at that latitude on the night Ukraine was invaded. Accordingly, to the right of Ukrainian mother and child is Ursa Major and Polaris (the North Star) and to their left Draco the Dragon.

They are symbols of the Love that comes to protect mother and child, and all Ukrainians with Prayers from around the world.

The Profane (War) speaks for itself with the violence of killing by bullets, explosions and destruction of bombs and the burning flames of War devouring countless Innocent lives…

 Painting acrylic on canvas 30″ by 36″ by A. Vonn Hartung

Buy a giclee print of this painting

This image was recently published by the European Baptist Federation  for their Christmas card 2022



Mi última pintura”Madre e hijo ucraniano”

Lo sagrado y lo profano

Esta pintura “Madre e hijo ucraniano” aborda lo Sagrado (Amor en Paz) en contraste con lo Profano (Odio en Guerra).

También habla de lo Espiritual opuesto a lo Material.

Las torres de la catedral de Kiev, Santa Sofía son visibles en la mitad superior. De manera significativa la espiritualidad se expresa en el amor de la madre y la paz del niño dormido. A ambos lados de la madre y el niño ucranianos,

las manos misteriosas que sostienen el Cielo.

Dos constelaciones eran visibles en esa latitud la noche en que Ucrania fue invadida. Mirando a la madre y al hijo ucranianos, a la derecha está Osa Mayor y Polaris (la Estrella Polar) y a su izquierda Draco el Dragón.

Son símbolos del Amor que viene a proteger a la madre y al niño, y a todos los ucranianos con Oraciones de todo el mundo…

La Profana (Guerra) habla por sí misma—con la violencia de matar a balazos, explosiones y destrucción de bombas y las llamas ardientes de la Guerra devorando incontables vidas Inocentes…

  Pintura acrílica sobre lienzo 30″ por 36″ por A. Vonn Hartung

Esta imagen fue publicada recientemente por la Federación Bautista Europea para su tarjeta de Navidad 2022

On the Road to Sainthood

This Saturday April 29th we celebrate the 16th anniversary of “Blessed Charlie’s” Beatification by His Holiness St. John Paul II.

One more miracle will qualify him for Sainthood.

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago

In 2001 I was deeply honored and humbled to be commissioned by the archbishop of San Juan, Monsignor Roberto González Nieves, to paint the official portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, to be given as a gift from Puerto Rico to the Pontifical North American College in Vatican City where it is exhibited in the Hall of Saints.

I was subsequently interviewed by EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network)


At the core of Blessed Carlos’ spirituality (Pope John Paul II  said) was his faith in the Resurrection. He promoted the Easter Vigil as the defining moment of Christian spiritual life, repeating often, “We live for that Night.” (Vivimos para esa Noche)

Learn more about Blessed “Charlie” and this portrait

Contemplative Images for Holy Week

View a video of these Stations of the Cross, accompanied by sacred music

View video The Passion of our Lord

Ver video La Pasión de nuestro Señor


Read in Spanish

 The reason for the use of Sacred Art in the Church is to make visible what is invisible, to bring us to a more heightened state of awareness and connection with God and His Saints that we might share more fully in His Glory and Love for us, that we might go forth and DO HIS WILL.

Sacred Places of Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection have always been venerated – early pilgrims retraced the Way of the Cross. So it was that the pilgrims brought back from The Holy Land the idea of recreating those sacred places and events to share with the faithful of their home churches.

It is said that Saint Francis of Assisi began the practice of the Stations of the Cross. It then spread throughout Italy and Europe. It was his practice to reproduce in a realistic way the events of our Lord’s life and deeds (an example, is his reported installation of the stable and manger with live animals and people in commemoration of the birth of Jesus).

In a similar way I conceived these Stations of the Cross to bring immediacy to the Passion of our Lord.

Each one measures 4-ft x 8-ft. This is because of the cavernous size and interior simplicity of the nave of the church, Santa Rosa de Lima, in the town of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.  Intimacy was achieved by the use of local people as models and customs, so that the faithful might better identify with the trials that Our Lord and Savior suffered and died for because of His Love for us.

Buy giclee prints of these Stations


Jesus is condemned to death. ViaCrucis Station 1 painting by AVonnHartung

Here we see Jesus, centered, surrounded by many but COMPLETELY alone, only those admitted from the status quo on both sides (although we see Flavia, wife of Pilate and perhaps Nicodemus who represent a small group of inside sympathizers).

In the midst of a crowded room He is a lonely figure. All signs point to Him, the columns, the center aisle and all who gesture, single Him out in accusation. He is The One! The cause of all their troubles, indignation and hatred! He must DIE!


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Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego

"Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego" painting by AVonnHartung
“Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego” painting by AVonnHartung

Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Mexico and Empress of the Americas…today December 12, the day that she left her image imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma. (translation from La Palabra Entre Nosotros)

This painting also celebrates St. Juan Diego, whose Feast Day is December 9th.

In 2003 I was commissioned by Parroquia San Ignacio (9:30 Community) in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to paint “Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego” to be given as a gift to Father Donald Vega SJ, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as a priest. (She is his personal patron saint)

I added a personal detail by including his dog Luigi in the foreground. Luigi and Lola were orphaned dogs taken in by Father Vega. They would lie down before the altar and in the first pew everyday as he celebrated mass.

Buy a giclee print of this painting


A brief history of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Spanish translation follows

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“The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist”

“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light…. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaiah.” (John 1:6-8, 23)

En Español más abajo

Today as the Catholic Church commemorates the Feast Day of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, I present this mosaic mural which depicts his life and prophecy in the sanctuary of Parroquia San Juan Bautista in the central mountain town of Orocovis, Puerto Rico.

"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" mosic mural by AVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico
“The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist” mosaic mural byAVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico

Conceived in three arches which represent the Holy Trinity, the story of St. John the Baptist is expressed across time in the sanctuary of Christ’s church and includes the priest and congregation today in the fulfillment of sacred liturgy. When viewed from the rear of the Church during Mass, the servers and congregation are seen as completing the work of art.


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