En exhibición permanente en la Catedral de San Juan
por S.E.R. Mons. Roberto González Nieves
para inspirar esperanza tras la devastación del huracán María.
El momento en que Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos es el momento
en que el mundo cambió. Él se convirtió para nosotros en el Cristo.
¡El milagro de la Resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvador Cristo Jesús es la esperanza que tanto se necesita en nuestro mundo hoy, especialmente los jóvenes! Para realizar esta esperanza necesitamos el Misterio Pascual COMPLETO que conduce a nuestra salvación, el cual es incompleto sin una comprensión profunda de la verdad revelada de la Resurrección. Esta verdad—nuestra creencia en la Resurrección, el Amor de Dios por cada uno de nosotros por toda la eternidad, es lo que nosotros necesitamos en nuestro turbulento mundo de hoy.
Las Estaciones de la Resurrección fueron aprobadas y promulgadas para la Piedad Popular por la Santa Sede en 2001. Siguen las visitaciones de nuestro Señor Resucitado a Sus discípulos durante los 50 días de Pascua hasta Pentecostés. Estas estaciones equilibran y complementan el Vía Crucis, los 40 días de Cuaresma, y confirman la victoria de Cristo sobre la muerte y la culminación de Su misión para nuestra redención y salvación. La sección inferior de cada estación habla visualmente de la escatología y el Juicio Final; la colina vacía del Gólgota y la Cruz vacía—el puente desde nuestro mundo finito hacia la eternidad. Estas estaciones están basadas en los 4 Evangelios y los Hechos de los Apóstoles.
Fourteen beautiful prints, printed with high quality Giclée technology,
from original paintings by Catholic artist, A.Vonn Hartung.
Permanently installed in the Cathedral of San Juan de Puerto Rico
by archbishop Mons. Roberto González Nieves
to inspire hope after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
The moment Jesus rose from the dead is the moment the world changed! He became for us the Christ.
The miracle of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus is the hope so desperately needed in our world today, especially the youth! To realize this hope we need the FULL Paschal Mystery leading to our salvation, which is incomplete without a deep understanding of the revealed truth of the Resurrection. This truth—our belief in the Resurrection, God’s Love for each one of us for all eternity is what we need in our troubled world today.
The Stations of the Resurrection were approved and promulgated for Popular Piety by the Holy See in 2001. They follow the visitations of our Risen Lord to His disciples during the 50 days of Easter up to Pentecost. These stations balance and complement the Stations of the Cross, the 40 days of Lent, and confirm Christ’s victory over death and the completion of His mission for our redemption and salvation. The bottom section of each station—the empty hill of Golgotha, speaks symbolically of the end of history and the Last Judgment. Christ’s empty cross is the bridge from death to eternal life. These stations are based on the 4 Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
Painting (acrylic) on canvas, 60 x 36-inches. The Angel Gabriel descends in divine glory and declares the message from God the Father. After pondering deep in her heart, the words and their meaning, Mary gives her consent. At that very moment she is filled with the luminous light of grace as she vows to fulfill the will of the Father and to deliver His only Son incarnate as Jesus Christ into the world according to His divine plan for our salvation. The painting is an interpretation of the visions received by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (Augustinian Nun) in 1821, with some added symbolism by the Artist to enhance and clarify the spiritual and prophetic consequences of the Annunciation Event. READ MORE.
Painting (acrylic) on wood panel, 48 x 96-inches. THESE STATIONS OF THE CROSS paintings show the process of conversion as Jesus was put to the test and tormented. They express a perspective that emphasizes the effect Jesus had on those present during his ordeal of carrying his own cross to his crucifixion on Calvary. As the bystanders are pulled into his suffering, we follow by observing closely, the actual Revelatory conversion of the principal Roman soldier; we see how the outpouring of grief and compassion of others around him begin to melt away his own cruelty and indifference. READ MORE.
The Agony of Crucifixion
Wood Sculpture, life-size (120 x 50-inches), Linden Wood with Mahogany cross.
From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”
(“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) Mt 27.
I carved this crucified Christ after an in-depth study of the book, A Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet M.D.,
a forensic pathologist’s analysis of the Holy Shroud of Turin.
It reveals a graphic account of Jesus’s suffering at the hands of the Romans. READ MORE.
Forgive them Father, Wood Sculpture, 70 x 48-inches, Linden Wood (detail of full size sculpture)
High Relief Wood Sculpture, 33 x 27-inches, Pau Lope wood
Expresses the agony of Jesus through His mother Mary; the betrayal by Judas, the arrest, torturous scourging, trial, carrying of the cross, and finally the agonizing crucifixion and death at Golgotha.
The Sorrowful Mother contemplates the seven sorrows of her life, represented by the seven swords piercing her heart. READ MORE.
St. Luke the Evangelist
High relief wood sculpture (33 x 12 x 3-inches), one of the six saints carved by A.Vonn Hartung for the Ambo of St. Paul’s Church in Pensacola, Florida. Artistically I have placed St. Luke the Evangelist in the center of his mission; I have conveyed, a feeling of the harmony brought to him through the gift of the Holy Spirit. READ MORE
High Relief Ceramic Sculpture (32 x 11 x 3-inches)
Ora et labora (Pray and work)—refers to the Catholic monastic practice of working and praying. St. Benedict viewed prayer and work as partners and believed in combining contemplation with action. St. Benedict is shown here writing; this is significant for two major reasons. READ MORE
Oil portrait on canvas (34 x 26-inches). Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez was beatified on April 29, 2001, by His Holiness (now Saint) John Paul II. He was the first Puerto Rican, the first Caribbean-born layperson and the first layperson in the history of the United States to be beatified. At the core of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez’ spirituality (Pope John Paul II said) was his faith in the Resurrection. He promoted the Easter Vigil as the defining moment of Christian spiritual life, repeating often, “We live for that night.” (Vivimos para esa Noche). This portrait hangs in the Hall of Saints at the Pontifical North American College, Vatican, commissioned by Monseñor Roberto González Nieves, Archbishop of Puerto Rico. READ MORE.
St. Dymphna, Wood Sculpture, life-size statue, Spanish Cedar
Saint Dymphna, patron saint of mental illness, was martyred in the 7th century for her faith. At 14 years old she was beheaded by her father, a minor king, for her refusal to marry him and become his queen. She presents the Gospel of the Lord, her declaration of faith, and her shield. READ MORE.
I dedicate this painting and poem, “Deviled Eggs”, in memorial to all the brave souls who have died sacrificing their lives for a better world.
As part of my series “Cry of Creation” this work focuses and shines a light on the existential and spiritual threat we face as humanity confronts our own extraordinary power to tip the climate into an imbalance that threatens the future of the world as we know it. We are all important and all uniquely indispensable! Yes—You and Me!
The truth IS, God gathers, the devil scatters!
Deviled Eggs
Mammon (Devil of Greed) would deceive us saying— “We’re entitled! All on Earth is ours for the taking!” then turn and make our world an Omelet of Deviled Eggs!
From the spoils of our addiction, to profits quarterly earned, is spun the myth of Utopia! While Greed clear-cuts timber, and ancient forests burn
Priceless black blood lies in the womb of our Sacred Earth. The Blood of Dinosaurs and giant Ferns. As we—Sucking-up on it like Mother’s Milk— We as Combustion Burn!
The myth of endless growth slurps up— “me thinks” the broth of Sacred Life, eons ago gone Extinct.
Yet we reward extravagantly reckless greed. We make no shame, but tribute pay, to those who would pay-out our future lives away. To what extent and how far down are we drilling and willing to ignore, the council of our Wisdom that makes up Freedom’s Core.
What has blinded our good sense? That binds us to our folly. knowing it will be at our future world’s expense.
What has hobbled our humility and morphed it into Pride? Who has turned us off our path and broken up our stride?
We sing and shout the chant of Mammon “If I can buy it, it’s mine! If I can do it, I will!
Oh Stupid! Oh, Self-Deceived Fallen One We follow! Down our hole we Go?
No! Let us ransom our Earthly Mother— from out the skillet—set her free! So she can spin and twirl in dance, Blue Mother Dancing Free!
Lord God has let us ride through this our space and time, a ride given to us FREE. It’s where Earth has always been for us and where She always wants to be.
I dedicate this Painting and Poem to all First Responders.
All people who are Suffering
or Acting to live in Balance with our Climate,
who strive for the good of others
and Future Generations…
Fishers of Men
Fishers of Men go out further than any boat can know. They sail over the shoals and rocks, where no others dare to go!
They fish with nets of Mercy in seas and oceans drag, for those who’ve lost their footing and off the decks were dragged.
They troll in lakes of poison, in rivers clogged with slime to pull aboard the wretched that Sin has rendered blind. They scoop up the fragile and their kind, that hold fast to the line of flotsam and jetsam that hope has left behind!
They surf the tides of turmoil and teach no fear of death. They rise in swells of innocence until clear knowing builds and crests.
Fishers of men, fish for Souls, Souls that lose their way, those who’ve sunk below the pale, who in the deep of muck and dark, in the bottom lay.
Fishers of Men are Saviors! Compassion, Love, and Mercy are how they reach so deep. Following the Savior they’ve learned “Saving Grace” comes through Faith, Humility and Penance in Redemption is forgiveness. It is the Master’s Way, the Truth and the Life.
So as they Fish they teach us the Way to Pray, which is to say, fish to save, for ALL on Earth are fragile and ALL on Earth need us to Pray, to Serve, so in our own turn—We may save and with our Savior stay …
Because we are witnessing the invasion and bombing of Ukraine, I painted this Glimpse of the Sacred juxtaposed to the Profane.
The innocent victims are protected by the sanctity of Saint Sophia cathedral with its magnificent spires shown in the foreground in Kyiv. They are juxtaposed to the shelling near Ukraine’s six Nuclear Reactors at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, and the devastation and destruction of War.
The Ukrainian people are suffering Terror!
A bombshell killed dozens of people waiting in line for food. Bombs have been destroying buildings and people’s homes, even destroying the zoo.
What we are seeing in the resilience of the Ukrainian people is Democracy in Action! Indeed, ordinary people are putting themselves in front of tanks. Farmers are clearing roads with their tractors. Indeed, millions of bombed out families are trying to escape the terrorism of war.
Courageous people around the world are raising our voices against these horrors.
Debido a que estamos presenciando la invasión y el bombardeo de Ucrania, pinté este Vislumbre de lo Sagrado yuxtapuesto a lo Profano.
Las víctimas inocentes están protegidas por la santidad de la catedral de Santa Sofía con sus magníficas agujas que se muestran en primer plano en Kiev. Están yuxtapuestas al bombardeo cerca de los seis reactores nucleares de Ucrania en la central nuclear de Zaporizhzhia, y la devastación y destrucción de la guerra.
El pueblo ucraniano está sufriendo Terror!
Una bomba mató a decenas de personas que esperaban en la fila para recibir comida. Las bombas han estado destruyendo edificios y casas, incluso destruyendo el zoológico.
Lo que estamos viendo en la resiliencia del pueblo ucraniano es Democracia en Acción! La gente común se está poniendo frente a los tanques. Los agricultores están limpiando caminos con sus tractores. Millones de familias bombardeadas intentan escapar del terrorismo de guerra.
Gente valiente de todo el mundo está alzando la voz contra estos horrores.