art in puerto rico

Laudato Si Art Exhibit

In celebration of Earth Day 2023, Artist A. Vonn Hartung unveiled his latest art exhibit,


Care for our Common Home,”

Featuring eight major works, A.Vonn Hartung's exhibit at San Ignacio Church in San Juan Puerto Rico captures the essence and spirit of Pope Francis's encyclical, which calls for global attention to the urgent need for environmental stewardship and climate action.
Laudato Si Art Exhibit

In celebration of Earth Day, artist A.Vonn Hartung unveiled his Laudato Si Art Exhibit, “Expressions of Pope Francis’s Encyclical on Climate Change: LAUDATO SI – Care for our Common Home,” at San Ignacio Church in San Juan, on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Featuring eight major works, Hartung’s exhibit aimed to capture the essence and spirit of Pope Francis’s encyclical, which calls for global attention to the urgent need for environmental stewardship and climate action. The visually stunning and thought-provoking artworks served as a reminder of our shared responsibility to care for our planet and each other.

The event featured distinguished speakers, including Sister Lissette Avilés Rios, OP, Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez Nieves’s Delegate of his Ministry of Ecology, and Gredia Huerta Montañez, MD, FAAP. Dr. Huerta is the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics of Puerto Rico President and co-founder of Puerto Rico Clinicians for Climate Action, and Executive member and Co-Founder of the Council on Environmental Health and Climate Change.

Attendees had the opportunity to hear from the artist, A. Vonn Hartung, as he discussed the inspiration and creative process behind his works. The event was an enlightening and inspiring experience for all who attended, as well as a chance to reflect on the crucial role we all play in protecting our common home.

The centerpiece “Thy will be done” painted in 1992, has visited many churches in the metro area. It asks the viewer—
Which future—in harmony with God or in disharmony, shall we live? The carving Eve and Adam began with the covid pandemic and led to the other paintings— all express aspects of Climate Change.


Oil painting on wood panel, 42 x 57", by AVonnHartung. This painting was the centerpiece of my art exhibit "Laudato Si". The painting is rhetorical in concept and presents us with two possibilities: one in harmony with God's Creation, a future of justice, peace and sustainability. The other of plunder, chaos, endless war and an ultimate collapse of nature and life on our planet home as we know it.
Thy Will be Done

Taken from our Lord’s prayer— (Matthew 6:10), the title is rhetorical—it asks which future shown in the painting do we want for ourselves and our children’s future? With God’s Sacred Creation in Harmony, and Health? Or in our dysfunctional, chaotic, Dystopia? God gave us Freewill, so the choice is ours. Let us repent and change our ways. This painting was the centerpiece of my Laudato Si Art Exhibit.

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Eve and Adam, a pandemic woodcarving by A.Vonn Hartung, as included in my exhibit "Laudato Si"
Eve and Adam

With the Global Pandemic, I felt we were in a Garden of Eden Moment of Time, and I must do a carving. And I knew it would need to be a carving that would speak to the Pandemic, but also that which I believe brought on the Pandemic—an imbalance in the mode in which we live with Nature, the destruction of the cosmos! Impending climate collapse! Thinking of the Future—Mothers and children came to mind. Hence the title “Eve and Adam” which expresses the wisdom of Human Love over Material Profit. The Question is, are we—the Human Species—continuing to cause this imbalance and if so, can we correct it? This Question is the essence of the message of the carving. 

Eve and Adam, closeup detail of pandemic woodcarving by A.Vonn Hartung
Eve and Adam (closeup detail)

We see our modern-day Adam pondering this question shown more as his temptation—recalling the original story of the Garden of Eden. To answer this the parable of The Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit speak to us here and now as we find ourselves in A Garden Moment of Time. God, we pray— help us to be Wise!

Read the poem by the artist.


Zacchaeus in the painting by A.Vonn Hartung, as in the Bible (Lk 19:1-10), is a sinner of ill-gotten wealth. He knows his guilt but also wants to know Jesus. So he climbs a tree to see Jesus, but at a safe distance. But Jesus knows him and calls him to come down, forgives him, and Zacchaeus changes his LIFE and is SAVED. This painting was included in my exhibit "Laudato Si"
Zacchaeus (Lk 19)

We take the lesson of the rich man Zacchaeus, wealth attained from dubious means, welcomed by Jesus as a sign of redemption. Zacchaeus in the painting, as in the Bible (Lk 19:1-10), is a sinner of ill-gotten wealth. He knows his guilt but also wants to know Jesus. So he climbs a tree to see Jesus, but at a safe distance. But Jesus knows him and calls him to come down, forgives him, and Zacchaeus changes his LIFE and is SAVED.

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Fishers of Men is 30 x 36-inch acrylic painting by A.Vonn Hartung, dedicated to all First Responders
Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men (Matthew 4:19) are 1st Responders. They are the heroes that show up first when there’s a tragedy, where people are in danger of losing their lives or losing their souls. They are not only firemen, policemen and soldiers, but also You and Me who help make a better world. They, with great Humility, are our Priests and Nuns who with the Saints save Souls, hear our confessions, lead our communities in Faith, settle differences between us, and face with us the dangers and solutions to climate change. God Bless Them All!

Read the poem by the artist.

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The Magi Return as Angels to reflect our Creator’s Gift of “Our Common Home”. A painting by A.Vonn Hartung
The Magi Return as Angels

The three Magi who brought gifts to our Lord and savior baby Jesus, now as Angels return and bring Us their greatest gift, shown in the mirrors they hold— the Reality that We are One Integral piece of the Living Cosmic Puzzle we call Earth, “Our Common Home.” God created Earth, for all his creation. “For God so loved the world he gave His only begotten son.” Earth is ours to live in and to share. It is not ours to trash! In Christ we pray.

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The Wounded Dove, a painting by A.Vonn Hartung is a visible metaphor showing how we are damaging our Common Home, planet Earth.
The Wounded Dove

The painting Wounded Dove is a visible metaphor showing how we are damaging “Our Common Home” Planet Earth. The most sacred, precious, and delicate of all our symbols is the Dove. Here we see her wounded, bleeding crippled in her nest. Her Mate tends to her, as indigenous people look on with compassion, for they know what it is to be wounded. In the background and all around we see how we are abusing God’s Sacred Creation. Lord, help us to Heal Your Gift of Earth, “Our Common Home.”

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The Melting North, a painting by A.Vonn Hartung, showing polar bears stranded on a floating piece of ice as a consequence of the climate crisis.
The Melting North

The painting The Melting North expresses the reality and denial of what we know, but the reality of how we are suppressing our needed reaction as glaciers melt. We, like in the painting, tend to want to be on the cruise ship observing but moving away from the reality of the melting north. In God we pray for the faith and the courage to act. How is it that we can love and feel the Suffering of People and vulnerable life so far away? It is because God has linked us all together like the embrace of a Beautiful Flowering Vine, and that we are All Linked in His Sacred Creation so that what we do for others or do to others we also do to ourselves. We pray for the awakening of our consciousness to the realities that we face and the love that binds God’s creation together. We pray!

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Climate Refugees, a painting by A.Vonn Hartung, shows wandering refugees leaving their homeland.
Climate Refugees

The Laudato Si Art Exhibit included the painting Climate Refugees shows wandering refugees leaving their destroyed homeland. Exhausted, wounded, searching simply for a place to live. Behind them are the endless galaxies of Infinite Space with the Chimneys of Creation known to us by the NASA Hubble telescope.  In the mid-ground the eroding rocks look sympathetic although decrepit due to a dissolving world. There is Hope, however—as leading the way amongst the goats, is the “Lamb of God” bringing them out of Climate Collapse and into a healthy and sustainable future. Christ help us.

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The Bombing of Ukraine

This original painting shows the bombing of Ukraine in February 2022
The Bombing of Ukraine

The Bombing of Ukraine

acrylic on canvas 32 x 38 inches

Because we are witnessing the invasion and bombing of Ukraine, I painted this Glimpse of the Sacred juxtaposed to the Profane.

The innocent victims are protected by the sanctity of Saint Sophia cathedral with its magnificent spires shown in the foreground in Kyiv. They are juxtaposed to the shelling near Ukraine’s six Nuclear Reactors at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, and the devastation and destruction of War.

The Ukrainian people are suffering Terror!

A bombshell killed dozens of people waiting in line for food. Bombs have been destroying buildings and people’s homes, even destroying the zoo.

What we are seeing in the resilience of the Ukrainian people is Democracy in Action! Indeed, ordinary people are putting themselves in front of tanks.  Farmers are clearing roads with their tractors. Indeed, millions of bombed out families are trying to escape the terrorism of war.

Courageous people around the world are raising our voices against these horrors.

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El Bombardeo de Ucrania

acrílico sobre lienzo 32 x 38 pulgadas


Debido a que estamos presenciando la invasión y el bombardeo de Ucrania, pinté este Vislumbre de lo Sagrado yuxtapuesto a lo Profano.

Las víctimas inocentes están protegidas por la santidad de la catedral de Santa Sofía con sus magníficas agujas que se muestran en primer plano en Kiev. Están yuxtapuestas al bombardeo cerca de los seis reactores nucleares de Ucrania en la central nuclear de Zaporizhzhia, y la devastación y destrucción de la guerra.

El pueblo ucraniano está sufriendo Terror!

Una bomba mató a decenas de personas que esperaban en la fila para recibir comida. Las bombas han estado destruyendo edificios y casas, incluso destruyendo el zoológico.

Lo que estamos viendo en la resiliencia del pueblo ucraniano es Democracia en Acción! La gente común se está poniendo frente a los tanques. Los agricultores están limpiando caminos con sus tractores. Millones de familias bombardeadas intentan escapar del terrorismo de guerra.

Gente valiente de todo el mundo está alzando la voz contra estos horrores.

Aún hay Magos

Aun hay Magos / There are still Wise Men

An original limited edition serigraph, by A.Vonn Hartung, depicting the harmony of work, art and nature, and the celebration of hope in the spirit of Christmas. As day moves into night, preparation is made to share in the tradition of Three Kings Day still honored here in Puerto Rico, of bringing gifts and good cheer.

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Serigrafía original de edición limitada, de A. Vonn Hartung, que representa la armonía del trabajo, el arte y la naturaleza, y la celebración de la esperanza en el espíritu de la Navidad. A medida que el día avanza hacia la noche, se hacen preparativos para compartir la tradición del Día de los Reyes Magos que todavía se honra aquí en Puerto Rico, de traer regalos y buen ánimo.


Paz—an original limited edition serigraph  by A.Vonn Hartung.

In the spirit of praise and celebration it transports us to Bethlehem and the arrival of the Wise Men, here depicted as the Three Kings, come to adore, and pay homage to the true king, the infant Jesus.

Not admitted entrance to the inn, Mary and Joseph present the Prince of Peace who is encircled by the blessed creatures with whom he shares his nursery, and the flock of sheep, which will come to symbolize his church, with the good shepherd here shown in St. Peter-esque presence. Joy to the world!

The stars spin in the heavens, the trees dance, the horses take on the quality of great dignity for all, as the announcing angel brings the famed star to bear witness over this moment of epiphany and eternity. Hallelujah!

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Paz—Serigrafía original de edición limitada

En el espíritu de alabanza y celebración que nos transporta a Belén y la llegada de los Reyes Magos, aquí representado como los tres reyes, vienen a adorar y rendir homenaje al verdadero rey, el niño Jesús.

No admitida la entrada a la posada, María y José presentan al Príncipe de la Paz, que está rodeado por las benditas criaturas con las que comparte su vivero, y el rebaño de ovejas, que llegará a simbolizar su iglesia, con el buen pastor aquí mostrado en Presencia de San Pedro. ¡Alegría para el mundo!

Las estrellas giran en los cielos, los árboles bailan, los caballos adquieren la calidad de una gran dignidad para todos, mientras el ángel anunciador trae a la famosa estrella para dar testimonio de este momento de epifanía y eternidad. ¡Aleluya!

Peace in the Valley

Peace in the Valley—original oil painting by A.Vonn Hartung.

“Peace in the Valley” is a mountaintop view of Puerto Rico, looking North towards the Atlantic Ocean; a section of San Juan is visible in the distance at the upper left and a cement quarry to the right. Snuggled in the middle is a valley farm with its silos and farmhouse in one of the various pastures protected by the surrounding hills.

Two small villages populate this pastoral scene. The beautiful fiery reds of Flamboyans and the passionate purples of the Reina de las Flores trees complete a typical landscape just a short distance inland from the sparkling beaches of Puerto Rico.

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Peace in the Valley es una vista de la cima de una montaña de Puerto Rico, mirando al norte hacia el Océano Atlántico; una sección de San Juan es visible en la distancia en la parte superior izquierda y una cantera de cemento a la derecha. Acurrucada en el medio hay una granja en el valle con sus silos y una casa de campo en uno de los varios pastos protegidos por las colinas circundantes.

Dos pequeños pueblos pueblan esta escena pastoral. Los hermosos rojos ardientes de los Flamboyanes y los apasionados púrpuras de los árboles Reina de las Flores completan un paisaje típico a poca distancia tierra adentro de las resplandecientes playas de Puerto Rico.

El Yunque, protector from hurricanes

El Yunque, protector from hurricanes            

 I painted this work the afternoon that Hurricane Hugo was approaching Puerto Rico.  I painted until the wind blew the painting off my easel a second time. It was a horrendous hurricane and completely wiped out all the trees. You can see the mountain El Yunque in the distance, where the Taino Indians believed their gods lived and protected the island from hurricanes. It is one of the most visited tourist sites in Puerto Rico.

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Pinté esta obra la tarde en que Huracán Hugo se acercaba a la isla. Pinté hasta que el viento sopló la pintura de mi caballete por segunda vez. Fue un huracán horrible y arrasó por completo con todos los árboles. Puedes ver la montaña El Yunque a lo lejos, donde los indios taínos creían que sus dioses vivían y protegían la isla de los huracanes. Es uno de los sitios turísticos más visitados de Puerto Rico.

“Deo Gratias” / I Give Thanks

"Deo Gratias" / "I Give Thanks" serigraph by AVonnHartung
Deo Gratias / I Give Thanks

Deo Gratias” / “I Give Thanks“was inspired by the history of Cristo Gate . According to legend, in 1753 a miracle occurred on the feast of St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The work is a tribute to the power of faith which saved the boy’s life. It is also a tribute to the horse, the gift which the Spaniards brought to the New World. Depicted here is the Andalusian Horse with its typical diagonal gait.

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The legend of Cristo Gate

  As was customary the local boys would assemble to race their horses. During the day one boy, Baltazar Montañez, was unable to control his horse. Consecuently he plummeted over the cliff onto the rocks below. Upon witnessing this, Don Mateo Pratts (the Spanish Secretary of Government) pleaded aloud, “Christ of Good Health, save him!” The horse died. The boy lived. Don Mateo vowed to build a chapel near the spot and dedicate it to the Savior. It stands to this day at the end of Cristo Street in Old San Juan.

In 2020 this serigraph “Deo Gratias / I give Thanks” was published in the book “La ciudad en el tiempo: cinco siglos de representaciones artísticas de San Juan” by the State Historic Preservation Office to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the founding of San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Deo Gratias” se inspiró en la leyenda del Portón de Cristo. Según la leyenda, en 1753 ocurrió un milagro en la fiesta de San Juan Bautista, el santo patrón de San Juan, Puerto Rico.. La obra es un homenaje al poder de la fe, que salvó la vida del niño. Es también un tributo al caballo, el regalo que los españoles le dieron al Nuevo Mundo. Representado aquí es el caballo Andaluz con su típico paso diagonal.

Los jóvenes del pueblo acostumbraron tener carreras de caballo. Un día el joven jinete Baltazar Montañez no pudo controlar su caballo. En consecuencia, se desplomó por el acantilado sobre las rocas de abajo. Se dice que un testigo, Don Mateo Pratts (el Secretario de Gobierno de España) al ver lo sucedido dijo: “¡Cristo de la Salud, sálvalo!” El caballo murió. El joven sobrevivió. Don Mateo prometió construir una capilla cerca del lugar del suceso y dedicarla al Salvador. Hoy en día la vemos al final de la Calle Cristo en el Viejo San Juan.

En 2020 esta serigrafía “Deo Gratias” fue publicada en el libro “La ciudad en el tiempo: cinco siglos de representaciones artísticas de San Juan” por la Oficina Estatal de Preservación Histórica para conmemorar el 500 aniversario de la fundación de San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Saint Michael Archangel

St Michael Archangel

I carved this icon in American Linden wood. It is an interpretation influenced by the tradition of Eastern Orthodox Iconography.  Saint Michael the Archangel stares down the evil one who he has pinned with his staff.  I carved in the upper corners the two fallen angels as they shrink away in shame from His divine power.

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

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READ MORE about the Prayer to Saint Michael



San Miguel arcángel

Esculpí este icono en madera de tilo americano. Es una interpretación influenciada por la tradición de la iconografía ortodoxa oriental. San Miguel Arcángel mira fijamente al maligno que ha inmovilizado con su bastón. Esculpí en las esquinas superiores a los dos ángeles caídos mientras se alejaban avergonzados de Su poder divino.

San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, es nuestra humilde súplica. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén.

LEER MAS sobre la Oración a San Miguel

St. Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Missionaries

In celebration of St.Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Missionaries

St. Francis Xavier patron saint of missionaries_retablo painting by AVonnHartung, in Parroquia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico)This painting shows the humble Jesuit missionary baptizing a youth

St. Francis Xavier brought more than 30,000 souls into the Faith. Known as the “Apostle of the Indies” and “Apostle of Japan”, he is said to have converted more people than anyone else has done since Saint Paul.


Padre Julio Victor García commissioned this painting/retablo in 2002 for Iglesia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico). It measures 6 feet in width by 11 feet in height and is my original design. I built it from solid mahogany, painted it in acrylic and gilded with gold and copper leaf.

Symbolic elements of the painting

The vertical format symbolizes this world, our Church and the witness of the life and evangelizing work of San Francisco Javier.

The frame displays the Sign of the Cross with which we as Christians identify ourselves in and through Baptism. It represents the tireless work of St. Francis, from sunrise to sunset. Additionally it shows the eternal truth, the Alpha and Omega of Christ. It acts as a window through which we enter to find further truths.

St. Francis Xavier is baptizing a youth. Significantly the youth symbolizes the future church. Hence we see the people coming to the Faith.

The Holy Family is represented by any and all who do the Will of the Father. Specifically, they are bringing young souls to be saved.

The Children brought forth by their Godparents engage us in reflection and contemplative prayer.

The Holy Trinity: Above the head of St. Francis we see the sacred image of The Holy Trinity.  The great 15th century Russian iconographer Andre Rublev.originally wrote (painted) this icon. Its inclusion is meant to draw us into the mystery of God,and to remind us of God’s love. Additionally it prophetically reminds us of Jesus’ words as expressed in John 15: 26-27 (“When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.”)

The Background: Surrounding this cascade of divinity with its luminous light and vapors, are luxurious examples of Holy Creation. Specifically the abundance of nature expresses this concept. The breadfruit and mango trees symbolize Love, Beauty and Resurrection. Additionally we see the dove drawing closer, and the serpent which being driven away.

“They who pray with faith have fervor and fervor is the fire of prayer. This mysterious fire has the power of consuming all our faults and imperfections, and of giving to our actions, vitality, beauty and merit.” (Francis Xavier)