
Santa Dimpna


Mi última comisión

Estatua de tamaño natural de Santa Dimpna

Santo mártir irlandés del siglo VII.

Ver el video

Tallado en madera de cedro tropical. Encargado por el Padre Mark O’Donnell para la Iglesia Católica  Saint Joseph’s en New London Connecticut.

Santa Dimpna

¿Cómo surgió esta estatua?

Extractos de un mensaje a sus feligreses del Padre Mark O’Donnell,

Pastor de la Iglesia Católica St. Joseph

Santa Dimpna, una santa para las edades.

Cuando llegué por primera vez a la parroquia de St. Joseph hace casi 10 años, tres feligreses se me acercaron y me preguntaron: “Padre, ¿quién es el santo patrón de los que padecen enfermedades nerviosas, mentales y emocionales?” Sin detenerme dije, “Saint Dymphna”. Después de que les conté su historia, me dijeron que les encantaría tener una estatua de ella en el santuario porque todas las familias se han visto afectadas por enfermedades mentales y emocionales. Dije que trataría de conseguir una estatua de ella para que pudiéramos orar por su intercesión y por la curación de todos los que sufren.

Bueno, han pasado casi 10 años y la necesidad de la ayuda de Santa. Dimpna no podría ser más urgente en el mundo en el que vivimos. La pandemia de Covid 19 ha afectado mental y emocionalmente la salud y el bienestar de todos. Trágicamente, ha cobrado demasiadas vidas a través de la enfermedad en sí, y las vidas de los adictos a las drogas y de algunos que se suicidaron desesperadamente porque se sentían aislados y deshumanizados.

Cuando Neil Hartung, un maravilloso feligrés, murió inesperadamente en la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción el 8 de diciembre de 2019, conocí a su hermano Vonn Hartung, un artista de renombre en Puerto Rico. Neil siempre hablaba con cariño de su hermano y con amor fraterno. Hablé con Vonn y le propuse comenzar a investigar un poco sobre la historia de este gran santo. Quedó cautivado con su valiente vida y martirio. En cada detalle, investigó su vida y estuvimos de acuerdo en que realmente se necesitaba una estatua aquí en New London para que todos oraran por su intercesión. Comencé a compartir esta noticia con las personas que se me acercaron originalmente hace 10 años y estaban completamente de acuerdo. Poco a poco se ha corrido la voz de que se estaba creando Santa Dimpna para la Iglesia St. Joseph en la comunidad católica St. Brendan the Navigator.

Encargué a Vonn Hartung que diera vida artísticamente a este gran santo

Comenzó con cedro tropical y pegó la madera en un bloque sólido. Poco a poco ha estado tallando y formando el bloque de madera en una estatua de cinco pies de Santa Dymphna … damos gracias a Dios por este santo maravilloso de todas las edades, especialmente hoy. Esperamos que Santa Dimpna llegue el primero de septiembre de este año…Fr. Mark

Santa Dimpna_detalle

Compre una impresión giclée

¿Quién era Santa Dimpna?

“Según la tradición católica y ortodoxa, Dimpna nació en Irlanda en el siglo VII. Su padre Damon era un rey pagano y su madre una devota cristiana.

Cuando Dimpna tenía 14 años, se consagró a Cristo y tomó un voto de castidad. Poco después, su madre murió. Damon había amado profundamente a su esposa y, a raíz de su muerte, su salud mental se deterioró drásticamente. Eventualmente los consejeros del rey lo presionaron para volver a casarse. Damon estuvo de acuerdo, pero solo con la condición de que su novia fuera tan hermosa como su difunta esposa. Después de buscar infructuosamente, Damon comenzó a desear a su hija debido a su gran parecido con su madre.

Cuando Dimpna se enteró de las intenciones de su padre, juró mantener sus votos y huyó de su corte junto con su confesor, el padre Gerebernus, dos servidores de confianza y el bufón del rey. Juntos navegaron hacia el continente, y finalmente aterrizaron en la actual Bélgica, donde se refugiaron en la ciudad de Geel.

¡Su padre la localiza!

Una tradición establece que una vez instalados en Geel, Dimpna construyó un hospicio para los pobres y enfermos de la región. Sin embargo, fue a través de su riqueza que su padre eventualmente averiguaría su paradero, ya que algunas de las monedas utilizadas le permitieron a su padre rastrearlas hasta Bélgica. Damon envió a sus agentes a perseguir a su hija y sus compañeros. Cuando se descubrió su escondite, viajó a Geel para recuperar a su hija. Ordenó a sus soldados que mataran a Gerebernus y trató de obligar a Dymphna a regresar con él a Irlanda, pero ella se resistió. Furioso, Damon sacó su espada y le cortó la cabeza a su hija. Se dice que tenía 15 años cuando murió.

Después de que Dimpna y Gerebernus fueran asesinados, los residentes de Geel los enterraron en una cueva cercana. Años más tarde, decidieron trasladar los restos a un lugar más adecuado. Algunos de sus restos se encuentran en el santuario de Dimpna en Massillon, Ohio, Estados Unidos.


Una tradición de 500 años que se estudia y se admira hoy

Así comenzó una tradición para el cuidado continuo de las personas con afecciones psiquiátricas que ha perdurado durante más de 500 años y que todavía se estudia y se admira en la actualidad. Los pacientes eran, y siguen siendo, tomados en las casas de los habitantes de Geel. Nunca se les llama pacientes, se les llama internos y se les trata como miembros ordinarios y útiles de la ciudad. Se les trata como miembros de la familia de acogida. Trabajan, con mayor frecuencia en trabajos domésticos, y, a cambio, se convierten en parte de la comunidad. Algunos permanecen unos meses, algunas décadas, otros durante toda su vida. En su apogeo en la década de 1930, más de 4.000 ‘internos’ se alojaron con los habitantes de la ciudad “.

Santa Dimpna es la santa patrona de las enfermedades mentales y la ansiedad.

Su festividad es el 15 de mayo


Oración a Santa Dimpna

Padre, nuestro Dios,que bondadosamente elegiste a Santa Dimpna como Patrona de aquellos afligidos con problemas mentales y nerviosos.

 Ella es nuestra inspiración y un símbolo de caridad a los muchos que ruegan por su intercesión.

 Que a través de las oraciones de esta joven pura y mártir, puedan nuestros sufrimientos encontrar alivio y consuelo, especialmente por los que te pedimos por ________

Te suplicamos Padre, escuches las plegarias a nuestro nombre de Santa Dimpna.

Dale a aquellos por los que rezamos, paciencia en el sufrimiento y resignación con Tu voluntad.

Llenalos con esperanza y dales el alivio y sanación que ellos tanto desean.

 Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor,

 quien sufrió su propia agonía en el huerto. Amén.

Saint Dymphna


This life-size statue of Saint Dymphna is my latest commission

She was a 7th century Irish martyr saint.

I carved her in tropical cedar. Father Mark O’Donnell commissioned this statue for Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church in New London Connecticut.

Watch the video

in which I describe the life of the saint and the process of carving the statue

A life-size statue of Saint Dymphna, patron of mental illness, carved in tropical cedar by A.VonnHartung for St. Joseph Church in New London Connecticut
Saint Dymphna

How did this statue of Saint Dymphna come about?

Excerpts of a Message to his parishioners from Father Mark O’Donnell,

Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church


St. Dymphna, a saint for the ages

When I first arrived at St. Joseph Parish almost 10 years ago, I was approached by three parishioners who asked me, “Father who is the patron saint for those afflicted with nervous, mental and emotional illness?” Without pausing I said, “Saint Dymphna”. After I told them about her story, they told me that they would love to have a statue of her in the sanctuary because every family has been affected by mental and emotional illness. I said I would try to get a statue of her so that we could pray for her intercession and for healing for all those who suffer.

Well, it is almost 10 years later and the need for St. Dymphna’s help could not be more urgent in the world we live in. The pandemic with Covid 19 has mentally and emotionally taken a toll on everyone’s health and well-being. It has tragically taken too many lives through the disease itself, and the lives of those who are addicted to drugs and through some who desperately turned to suicide because they felt isolated and dehumanized.

When Neil Hartung, a wonderful parishioner, died unexpectedly on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2019, I met his brother Vonn Hartung who is a renowned artist in Puerto Rico. Neil always spoke fondly of his brother and with fraternal love. I spoke with Vonn and proposed he begin to do some research on the history of this great saint. He became enthralled with her courageous life and martyrdom. In every detail he researched her life and we agreed that a statue was indeed needed here in New London for everyone to pray for her intercession. I started to share this news with the people that originally approached me 10 years ago and they were completely on board. Slowly the word has spread that St. Dymphna was being created for St. Joseph Church in the St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Community.

I commissioned Vonn Hartung to artistically bring this great saint to life.

He started with tropical cedar and glued the wood together in a solid block. Slowly he has been carving and forming the block of wood into a five-foot statue of St. Dymphna… we give thanks to God for this wonderful saint for the ages, especially for today. We hope St. Dymphna will arrive by September first of this year…Fr. Mark

A closeup view of Saint Dymphna, the patron saint of mental illness, is a life-size statue carved in tropical cedar by A.VonnHartung for St. Joseph Church in New London Connecticut
Saint Dymphna_detail

Buy a giclee print of this statue detail

Who was Saint Dymphna?

“According to Catholic and Orthodox tradition, Dymphna was born in Ireland in the 7th century. Her father Damon was a petty king, her mother a devout Christian.

When Dymphna was 14 years old, she consecrated herself to Christ and took a vow of chastity. Shortly thereafter, her mother died. Damon had loved his wife deeply, and in the aftermath of her death his mental health sharply deteriorated. Eventually the king’s counsellors pressed him to remarry. Damon agreed, but only on the condition that his bride would be as beautiful as his deceased wife. After searching fruitlessly, Damon began to desire his daughter because of her strong resemblance to her mother.

When Dymphna learned of her father’s intentions, she swore to uphold her vows and fled his court along with her confessor Father Gerebernus, two trusted servants, and the king’s fool. Together they sailed towards the continent, eventually landing in what is present-day Belgium, where they took refuge in the town of Geel.

Her father tracks her down!

One tradition states that once settled in Geel, Dymphna built a hospice for the poor and sick of the region. However, it was through her wealth that her father would eventually ascertain her whereabouts, as some of the coins used enabled her father to trace them to Belgium. Damon sent his agents to pursue his daughter and her companions. Upon discovery of their hiding place, he travelled to Geel to recover his daughter. He ordered his soldiers to kill Gerebernus and tried to force Dymphna to return with him to Ireland, but she resisted. Furious, Damon drew his sword and struck off his daughter’s head. She was said to have been 15 years old when she died.

 After Dymphna and Gerebernus died, the residents of Geel buried them in a nearby cave. Years later, they decided to move the remains to a more suitable location. Some of her remains are at the shrine to Dymphna in Massillon, Ohio, United States.

The most outstanding miracle is one that began in the thirteenth century and continues to this day.

 In 1349 a church honoring St. Dymphna was built in Geel. By 1480, so many pilgrims were coming from all over Europe, seeking treatment for psychiatric disorders that the church housing for them was expanded. Soon the sanctuary for those considered “mad” was again full to overflowing, and the townspeople began taking them into their own homes.

A 500-year tradition that is studied and admired today

 Thus began a tradition for the ongoing care of those with psychiatric conditions that has endured for over 500 years. Indeed it is still studied and admired today. Moreover, Geel’s inhabitants have continued to take patients into their homes. In fact, they call them boarders, never patients and treat them as ordinary and useful members of the town.  Correspondingly, the hosts treat them as members of their families. They work, most often in menial labor, and in return, they become part of the community. Some stay a few months, some for decades, and others for their entire lives. Eventually, at its peak in the 1930s, the town’s inhabitants housed over 4,000 ‘boarders’.”


St. Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness and anxiety.

Her Feast Day is May 15


Prayer to Saint Dymphna

Lord, our God, you graciously chose St. Dymphna as patroness

of those afflicted with mental and nervous disorders.

She is thus an inspiration and a symbol of charity to the thousands who ask her intercession.
Please grant, Lord, through the prayers of this pure youthful martyr,

relief and consolation to all suffering such trials, and especially those for whom we pray.
  (Mention those for whom you wish to pray).

We beg you, Lord, to hear the prayers of St. Dymphna on our behalf.

Grant all those for whom we pray patience in their sufferings

and resignation to your divine will.

Please fill them with hope and grant them the relief and cure they so much desire.
We ask this through Christ our Lord who suffered agony in the garden. Amen


Saint Benedict of Nursia

St.Benedict of Nursia ceramic sculpture High relief by AVonnHartung for private collection (Puerto Rico)

St Benedict of Nursia— original ceramic sculpture by A.Vonn Hartung.

Ora et labora

Ora et labora (Pray and work)—refers to the Catholic monastic practice of working and praying. St. Benedict viewed prayer and work as partners, and believed in combining contemplation with action.

St. Benedict is shown here writing; this is significant for two major reasons. One, because he was a scholar and he was concerned about the sharing of knowledge with the public so that they could advance and have a better life, and especially be closer to Christ and His saints.

And two, he is writing in cursive Latin, that is, he is popularizing Latin and adapting its stilted lettering style into a cursive style more easily written. This style and his use of the Vernacular became the beginnings of the Italian language we know today.

In the foreground we see a black bird, representing the Raven which saved his life when his bread was poisoned by jealous monks envious of his many superior traits and saintly concerns for those under him, which made him such a good leader.

In the background we see Monte Cassino, the monastery he founded some 40 miles south of Rome, which did so much to nourish Christian virtues and enrich European civilization. At its height, the Benedictine order could boast 37,000 monasteries.

Buy a giclee print of this ceramic sculpture


San Benito de Nursia—escultura de cerámica original por A.Vonn Hartung.

“Ora et labora”

Ora et labora (reza y trabaja)—expresa la vocación y la vida monástica benedictina de alabanza a Dios junto con el trabajo manual diario. San Benito vio la oración y el trabajo como socios, y creía en combinar la contemplación con la acción.

San Benito se muestra aquí escribiendo; esto es importante por dos razones principales. Uno, porque era un erudito y estaba preocupado por compartir conocimientos con el público para que pudieran avanzar y tener una vida mejor, y sobre todo estar más cerca de Cristo y sus santos.

Y dos, está escribiendo en latín cursivo, es decir, está popularizando el latín y adaptando su estilo de letras estilizadas en un estilo cursivo más fácil de escribir. Este estilo y su uso de la lengua vernácula se convirtieron en los inicios de la lengua italiana que conocemos hoy.

En primer plano vemos un pájaro negro, que representa al Cuervo que le salvó la vida cuando su pan fue envenenado por monjes celosos envidiosos de sus muchos rasgos superiores y preocupaciones santas por los que estaban debajo de él, lo que lo convirtió en un buen líder.

Al fondo vemos Monte Cassino, el monasterio que fundó a unas 40 millas al sur de Roma, que tanto contribuyó a nutrir las virtudes cristianas y enriquecer la civilización europea. En su apogeo, la orden benedictina podía presumir de 37.000 monasterios.

Saint Michael Archangel

St Michael Archangel

I carved this icon in American Linden wood. It is an interpretation influenced by the tradition of Eastern Orthodox Iconography.  Saint Michael the Archangel stares down the evil one who he has pinned with his staff.  I carved in the upper corners the two fallen angels as they shrink away in shame from His divine power.

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Buy a giclee print of this carving


READ MORE about the Prayer to Saint Michael



San Miguel arcángel

Esculpí este icono en madera de tilo americano. Es una interpretación influenciada por la tradición de la iconografía ortodoxa oriental. San Miguel Arcángel mira fijamente al maligno que ha inmovilizado con su bastón. Esculpí en las esquinas superiores a los dos ángeles caídos mientras se alejaban avergonzados de Su poder divino.

San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, es nuestra humilde súplica. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén.

LEER MAS sobre la Oración a San Miguel

St. Joseph, man of deep Faith

The Gospel says little of him.

“It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

St. Joseph, man of deep Faith. He received his revelations through DREAMS. Hence, I carved him with his eyes closed; the revelation that Mary was to be the mother God (Mt 1:20), his dream that they should flee to Egypt to escape the murderous wrath and jealousy of King Herod (Mt 2:13)

Shown here, in celebration of St. Joseph’s Feast Day, is my high relief wood sculpture “Holy Family” (42 x 44-inches)

The setting is the Temple (Luke 2:41-50)


"Holy Family" is a high relief wood sculpture by AVonnHartung for private collection
The Holy Family


Holy Family detail
Joseph, the central figure, his eyes closed, deep in prayer, is the picture of humility through blind faith.


Holy Family detail_Joseph's prophetic dream to safety in Egypt
Depicted here is a recollection of Joseph’s prophetic dream (Mt 2:13) when the angel instructed him to flee to safety in Egypt, from the murderous jealousy of King Herod.



Holy Family detail
Depicted here is a scene in the family’s carpenter shop at Nazareth, with Jesus as an adult with Joseph and Mary, the eve before leaving to begin his ministry (extra biblical)


Today, San Jose Church in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is reopening after a massive reconstruction that took nearly twenty years to complete. Built between 1532 and 1735, it is a restoration of the second oldest surviving Spanish church in the Americas. Providentially this coincides with the celebration of The Year of St. Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis.

 The Mass will be celebrated by Mons. Roberto Gonzalez Nieves.San Jose Church in San Juan Puerto Rico


San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo

San Francisco vivió en el Espiritu Santo

San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo.

Estaba enamorado de la vida y toda la Creación de Dios.

Fue portador de la Luz de Cristo en un mundo en tinieblas!



San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo
               Escultura en cerámica


San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo. En un arco gótico, un signo de los tiempos en que vivió, San Francisco se encuentra entre los maderos caídos y rotos de la abandonada Iglesia de San Damiano. Hay dispersos bloques de construcción a sus pies y la Cruz de Damiano arriba. Está rodeado de sus queridos pájaros y animales: las palomas, los pájaros cantores, el cordero y el lobo que simbolizan la paz y la armonía. El lobo domesticado canta armonía a la melodía de Francisco, tocada en su laúd y cantada como oración.

Vestido con su ropa hecha jirones, los hombros y las rodillas desgastados por la Cruz que llevaba y las oraciones que rezaba. La oreja de tamaño exagerado se convierte en un símbolo de su elevado poder espiritual de observación y la sensibilidad a la belleza y necesidades de los demás que componen el conjunto de nuestra comunidad sagrada.

La colmena, un símbolo de la dulzura y la unidad de las comunidades que provocó dondequiera que difundió la palabra y la obra de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo.

San Francisco vivió en el Espíritu Santo

Estaba enamorado de la vida y de toda la creación de Dios. Como Jesús, sanó a los enfermos, limpió a los sucios y sirvió a los pobres como lo simboliza el lavabo y la jarra.

Fue con este amor en el Espíritu Santo que respondió al llamado que escuchó para reconstruir la iglesia de Cristo, no solo física sino espiritualmente. Lo hizo a través del sacrificio y el amor en forma de compasión, creatividad y trabajo extremadamente duro pero alegre, así como un asombro. auto-negación inspiradora por un ex joven que fue mimado y autocomplaciente; un cambio tan profundo que provocó un milagro asombroso de renovación al cristianismo a través de la intervención divina como se ve por los estigmas en sus manos y pies.

¡San Francisco de Asís fue portador de la Luz de Cristo en un mundo en tinieblas!


Señor, hazme un instrumento de tu paz, 

donde haya odio, ponga amor, donde hay ofensa, perdón;

Donde hay duda, fe,

donde hay desesperanza, esperanza;
Donde hay tinieblas, luz,

 donde hay tristeza, alegría.

Oh Divino Maestro,
Que no busque yo tanto, ser consolado como consolar,

 ser comprendido como comprender.
Ser amado como amar.
Porque dando se recibe.
Perdonando se es perdonado.
Y muriendo a si mismo
Se nace a la vida eterna.

Compre una impresión giclée de esta escultura


St. Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Missionaries

In celebration of St.Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Missionaries

St. Francis Xavier patron saint of missionaries_retablo painting by AVonnHartung, in Parroquia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico)This painting shows the humble Jesuit missionary baptizing a youth

St. Francis Xavier brought more than 30,000 souls into the Faith. Known as the “Apostle of the Indies” and “Apostle of Japan”, he is said to have converted more people than anyone else has done since Saint Paul.


Padre Julio Victor García commissioned this painting/retablo in 2002 for Iglesia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico). It measures 6 feet in width by 11 feet in height and is my original design. I built it from solid mahogany, painted it in acrylic and gilded with gold and copper leaf.

Symbolic elements of the painting

The vertical format symbolizes this world, our Church and the witness of the life and evangelizing work of San Francisco Javier.

The frame displays the Sign of the Cross with which we as Christians identify ourselves in and through Baptism. It represents the tireless work of St. Francis, from sunrise to sunset. Additionally it shows the eternal truth, the Alpha and Omega of Christ. It acts as a window through which we enter to find further truths.

St. Francis Xavier is baptizing a youth. Significantly the youth symbolizes the future church. Hence we see the people coming to the Faith.

The Holy Family is represented by any and all who do the Will of the Father. Specifically, they are bringing young souls to be saved.

The Children brought forth by their Godparents engage us in reflection and contemplative prayer.

The Holy Trinity: Above the head of St. Francis we see the sacred image of The Holy Trinity.  The great 15th century Russian iconographer Andre Rublev.originally wrote (painted) this icon. Its inclusion is meant to draw us into the mystery of God,and to remind us of God’s love. Additionally it prophetically reminds us of Jesus’ words as expressed in John 15: 26-27 (“When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.”)

The Background: Surrounding this cascade of divinity with its luminous light and vapors, are luxurious examples of Holy Creation. Specifically the abundance of nature expresses this concept. The breadfruit and mango trees symbolize Love, Beauty and Resurrection. Additionally we see the dove drawing closer, and the serpent which being driven away.

“They who pray with faith have fervor and fervor is the fire of prayer. This mysterious fire has the power of consuming all our faults and imperfections, and of giving to our actions, vitality, beauty and merit.” (Francis Xavier)


St. Joseph, Protector

St. Joseph, Protector

 My most recent wood sculpture, carved through the period of the hurricanes Irma and MARIA. Approximately 3 feet high, carved in Tropical Cedar because of the desired color and its resistance to termites here in Puerto Rico. For Capilla Maria Auxiliadora, a small chapel in rural Carolina, Puerto Rico.

I’ve carved St. Joseph as a protector and a traveler; a stand-up guy who was always looking out for his wife and child, ready to defend them along the way of life which was full of dangers. He was a man of deep Faith who received his revelations through DREAMS: that Mary was the mother of God and that he should get out of Bethlehem and go to Egypt to escape the danger of Herod who wanted to kill the newborn King. Of course, we know he was a carpenter and must have been a wonderful father.

St. Joseph, Protector


On the Road to Sainthood

This Saturday April 29th we celebrate the 16th anniversary of “Blessed Charlie’s” Beatification by His Holiness St. John Paul II.

One more miracle will qualify him for Sainthood.

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago

In 2001 I was deeply honored and humbled to be commissioned by the archbishop of San Juan, Monsignor Roberto González Nieves, to paint the official portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, to be given as a gift from Puerto Rico to the Pontifical North American College in Vatican City where it is exhibited in the Hall of Saints.

I was subsequently interviewed by EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network)


At the core of Blessed Carlos’ spirituality (Pope John Paul II  said) was his faith in the Resurrection. He promoted the Easter Vigil as the defining moment of Christian spiritual life, repeating often, “We live for that Night.” (Vivimos para esa Noche)

Learn more about Blessed “Charlie” and this portrait