
Oil portraits

Algunas Obras en Puerto Rico

Algunas Obras en Puerto Rico

de Arturo Vonn Hartung


Casa de Niños Manuel Fernández Juncos, Miramar

La Madre Dolorosa – escultura en madera, “itaúba”/Brazil (“pau lope”)

Aprox Tamaño Natural/ Encargado por Padre Julio V García 1991

Ha Resucitado! – escultura en madera “itaúba” Encargado por Padre Jorge Castillejo Lluisiá 1992


Parroquia San Francisco Javier, Urb Fairview, Cupey

"En el Nombre del Padre..." San Francisco Javier Baptizing, retablo painting by AVonnHartung, in Parroquia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico)

En el Nombre del Padre (San Francisco Javier Bautizando)

Retablo – pintura sobre madera, caoba

Aprox 6 x 11 pie/ Encargado por Padre Julio V García 2002



"Vivimos para esa noche" oil portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago by A.Vonn Hartung
Vivimos para esa Noche

Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago

Pintura al óleo sobre tela

Encargado por Padre Julio V García 2000

(Hay muchos “posters” de esta pintura a través de Puerto Rico)


Pontifical North American College, Vatican

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
Beato Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Pintura al óleo sobre tela

Encargado por Mons Roberto González Nieves 2001

(Hay muchos “posters” de esta pintura a través de Puerto Rico)


Hermanas Misioneras del Buen Pastor, Caguas

El Buen Pastor/Good Shepherd painting by AVonnHartung (after A.Soord "The Lost Sheep")

El Buen Pastor – (La oveja extraviada) Lucas 15:4-7

Pintura sobre tela, 9 x 12 pie

(En el presbiterio de la capilla)

Encargado por Hermanas Misioneras del Buen Pastor 1985


Parroquia El Buen Pastor, Guaynabo (Apolo)

  Yo soy El Buen Pastor/I am The Good Shepherd painting (closeup) by A.VonnHartung, in "El Buen Pastor" church (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)

Yo soy el Buen Pastor (Mis ovejas conocen mi vozJuan 10:27)

Pintura sobre madera, 4 x 8 pie

 Encargado por Padre Jaime Vázquez Rojas 2003


Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima, Guaynabo (Barrio Amelia)

Mural (central section) by AVonnHartung at Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima, BarrioAmelia SJ Puerto Rico

Mural de la Fe (parte central de la pintura sobre pared de cemento,

aprox 29 x 65 pie)/ Encargado por Padre Julio V Garcia 1997


ViaCrucis Station I, painting by AVonnHartung

Via Crucis (14 pinturas sobre madera 4 x 8 pie cada una)

Encargado por Mons. Antonio “Tito” José Vázquez 2001

Jesus takes up his cross, ViaCrucis station 2 painting by A.Vonn Hartung


Jesus meets his mother. Via Crucis station 4 painting by AVonnHartung


Parroquia Maria Auxiliadora, La Cantera, Hato Rey

La Misericordia de San Juan Bosco (pintura sobre madera, aprox 3 ½ x 8 pie)

5 pinturas más con tema de San Juan Bosco y Santo Domingo Savio

Encargado por Padre NicolásColacho” Navarro SDB 2011


Colegio San Juan Bosco, La Cantera, Hato Rey

Siempre Joven/Cristo con nosotros
Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2017


Parroquia San Juan Bautista, Orocovis (pueblo)

"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" mosic mural by AVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico

Mosaico Mural “La Vida y la Profecía de San Juan Bautista

(500 pie cuadrada)/ Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB



"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" MosaicMural (closeup 4 saints) by AVonn Hartung in Orocovis Puerto Rico


"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist"MosaicMural (central arch) by AVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico


6 “Vitrales” en Santisima y Sacristía (pintura sobre Lexan)2005

1 Vitral tradicional en la Santísima


Capilla San Juan Bosco, Orocovis (Barrio Gato)

"El Sueño de las Dos Columnas" San Juan Bosco/ "The Dream of the Two Columns" mural by AVonnHartung, in Capilla San Juan Bosco (Orocovis, Puerto Rico)

Mural en el presbiterio “El Sueño de las Columnas

Pintura sobre pared de cemento (18 x 50 pie)

Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2004


14 “vitrales” Estaciones de la Resurrección Via Lucis


2 “Vitrales” con tema del mural

2 “Vitrales” con tema de la Música

Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2004


Catedral San Juan Bautista, Viejo San Juan

Via Lucis14 Estaciones de la Resurrección 2015

(Las pinturas originales en la Catedral

 prestadas a Mons. Roberto González Nieves 2018)


Reproducciones en—

Parroquia María Auxiliadora, Cantera (Padre NicolásColacho” Navarro SDB

Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola (Padre Lawrence Searles SJ)

Parroquia Santa Luisa de Marillac (Padre Tomás G. Gonzalez)

Parroquia Corazón de Jesús (Padre Phillip “Felipe” Nunez)


Capilla María Auxiliadora, Carolina (rural)


San José protector (estátua tallada en madera)

            Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez (reprod de la pintura original)

                        Encargada por Padre Rafael de Jesús González Ayala CRL (2018)


Capilla Divino Niño Jesús, Orocovis (Botijas)

San José con el Niño Jesús

Jesús Resucitado


Maria Auxiliadora


Colección Privada (San Juan)

San Benito de Nursia

San Francisco de Asís

St. Ignatius of Loyola_ceramic sculpture high relief by AVonnHartung for private collection (Puerto Rico)
San Ignacio de Loyola

Carved Retablo with the 3 Saints


Algunas Obras en Puerto Rico

Algunas Obras en Puerto Rico

de Arturo Vonn Hartung


Casa de Niños Manuel Fernández Juncos, Miramar

La Madre Dolorosa – escultura en madera, “itaúba”/Brazil (“pau lope”)

Aprox Tamaño Natural/ Encargado por Padre Julio V García 1991

Ha Resucitado! – escultura en madera “itaúba” Encargado por Padre Jorge Castillejo Lluisiá 1992


Parroquia San Francisco Javier, Urb Fairview, Cupey

"En el Nombre del Padre..." San Francisco Javier Baptizing, retablo painting by AVonnHartung, in Parroquia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico)

En el Nombre del Padre (San Francisco Javier Bautizando)

Retablo – pintura sobre madera, caoba

Aprox 6 x 11 pie/ Encargado por Padre Julio V García 2002



"Vivimos para esa noche" oil portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago by A.Vonn Hartung
Vivimos para esa Noche

Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago

Pintura al óleo sobre tela

Encargado por Padre Julio V García 2000

(Hay muchos “posters” de esta pintura a través de Puerto Rico)


Pontifical North American College, Vatican

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
Beato Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Pintura al óleo sobre tela

Encargado por Mons Roberto González Nieves 2001

(Hay muchos “posters” de esta pintura a través de Puerto Rico)


Hermanas Misioneras del Buen Pastor, Caguas

El Buen Pastor, pintura/mural  (after A.Soord "The Lost Sheep"), obra en Caguas Puerto Rico por Arturo Vonn Hartung

El Buen Pastor – (La oveja extraviada) Lucas 15:4-7

Pintura sobre tela, 9 x 12 pie

(En el presbiterio de la capilla)

Encargado por Hermanas Misioneras del Buen Pastor 1985


Parroquia El Buen Pastor, Guaynabo (Apolo)

  El Buen Pastor, obra en Guaynabo Puerto Rico por Arturo Vonn HartungYo soy El Buen Pastor/I am The Good Shepherd painting (closeup) by A.VonnHartung, in "El Buen Pastor" church (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)

Yo soy el Buen Pastor (Mis ovejas conocen mi vozJuan 10:27)

Pintura sobre madera, 4 x 8 pie

 Encargado por Padre Jaime Vázquez Rojas 2003


Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima, Guaynabo (Barrio Amelia)

Mural (central section) by AVonnHartung at Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima, BarrioAmelia SJ Puerto Rico

Mural de la Fe (parte central de la pintura sobre pared de cemento,

aprox 29 x 65 pie)/ Encargado por Padre Julio V Garcia 1997


ViaCrucis Station I, painting by AVonnHartung

Via Crucis (14 pinturas sobre madera 4 x 8 pie cada una)

Encargado por Mons. Antonio “Tito” José Vázquez 2001

Jesus meets his mother. Via Crucis station 4 painting by AVonnHartung


Parroquia Maria Auxiliadora, La Cantera, Hato Rey

La Misericordia de San Juan Bosco (pintura sobre madera, aprox 3 ½ x 8 pie)

5 pinturas más con tema de San Juan Bosco y Santo Domingo Savio

Encargado por Padre NicolásColacho” Navarro SDB 2011


Colegio San Juan Bosco, La Cantera, Hato Rey

Siempre Joven/Cristo con nosotros
Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2017


Parroquia San Juan Bautista, Orocovis (pueblo)

"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" mosic mural by AVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico

Mosaico Mural “La Vida y la Profecía de San Juan Bautista

(500 pie cuadrada)/ Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB


6 “Vitrales” en Santisima y Sacristía (pintura sobre Lexan)2005

1 Vitral tradicional en la Santísima

"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" MosaicMural (closeup 4 saints) by AVonn Hartung in Orocovis Puerto Rico



Capilla San Juan Bosco, Orocovis (Barrio Gato)

"El Sueño de las Dos Columnas" San Juan Bosco/ "The Dream of the Two Columns" mural by AVonnHartung, in Capilla San Juan Bosco (Orocovis, Puerto Rico)

Mural en el presbiterio “El Sueño de las Columnas

Pintura sobre pared de cemento (18 x 50 pie)

Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2004


Un "vitral" pintura por Arturo Vonn Hartung, Camino a Emaus, una de sus obras in Orocovis Puerto Rico de Las Estaciones de la Resurreccion.14 “vitrales” Estaciones de la Resurrección Via Lucis


2 “Vitrales” con tema del mural

2 “Vitrales” con tema de la Música

Encargado por Padre Jorge Santiago Cartagena SDB 2004


Catedral San Juan Bautista, Viejo San Juan

Pintura "Ha Resucitado" de la coleccion "Estaciones de la Resurreccion", obras en Puerto Rico por Arturo Vonn Hartung

Via Lucis14 Estaciones de la Resurrección 2015

(Las pinturas originales en la Catedral

 prestadas a Mons. Roberto González Nieves 2018)


Reproducciones en—

Parroquia María Auxiliadora, Cantera (Padre NicolásColacho” Navarro SDB

Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola (Padre Lawrence Searles SJ)

Parroquia Santa Luisa de Marillac (Padre Tomás G. Gonzalez)

Parroquia Corazón de Jesús (Padre Phillip “Felipe” Nunez)


Capilla María Auxiliadora, Carolina (rural)


San José protector (estátua tallada en madera)

            Beato Carlos Manuel Rodríguez (reprod de la pintura original)

                        Encargada por Padre Rafael de Jesús González Ayala CRL (2018)


Capilla Divino Niño Jesús, Orocovis (Botijas)

Pintura de San Jose con el niño Jesus en su taller, una obra en Orocovis, Puerto Rico por Arturo Vonn Hartung
San José con el Niño Jesús

Pintura del Cristo resucitado, una obra en Orocovis Puerto Rico por Arturo Vonn Hartung

Jesús Resucitado


Maria Auxiliadora


Colección Privada (San Juan)

San Benito de Nursia

Escultura en cerámica "San Francisco de Asis" obra por Arturo Vonn Hartung en Puerto Rico

San Francisco de Asís

St. Ignatius of Loyola_ceramic sculpture high relief by AVonnHartung for private collection (Puerto Rico)
San Ignacio de Loyola

Carved Retablo with the 3 Saints


Peace in the Valley

Peace in the Valley—original oil painting by A.Vonn Hartung.

“Peace in the Valley” is a mountaintop view of Puerto Rico, looking North towards the Atlantic Ocean; a section of San Juan is visible in the distance at the upper left and a cement quarry to the right. Snuggled in the middle is a valley farm with its silos and farmhouse in one of the various pastures protected by the surrounding hills.

Two small villages populate this pastoral scene. The beautiful fiery reds of Flamboyans and the passionate purples of the Reina de las Flores trees complete a typical landscape just a short distance inland from the sparkling beaches of Puerto Rico.

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Peace in the Valley es una vista de la cima de una montaña de Puerto Rico, mirando al norte hacia el Océano Atlántico; una sección de San Juan es visible en la distancia en la parte superior izquierda y una cantera de cemento a la derecha. Acurrucada en el medio hay una granja en el valle con sus silos y una casa de campo en uno de los varios pastos protegidos por las colinas circundantes.

Dos pequeños pueblos pueblan esta escena pastoral. Los hermosos rojos ardientes de los Flamboyanes y los apasionados púrpuras de los árboles Reina de las Flores completan un paisaje típico a poca distancia tierra adentro de las resplandecientes playas de Puerto Rico.

El Yunque, protector from hurricanes

El Yunque, protector from hurricanes            

 I painted this work the afternoon that Hurricane Hugo was approaching Puerto Rico.  I painted until the wind blew the painting off my easel a second time. It was a horrendous hurricane and completely wiped out all the trees. You can see the mountain El Yunque in the distance, where the Taino Indians believed their gods lived and protected the island from hurricanes. It is one of the most visited tourist sites in Puerto Rico.

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Pinté esta obra la tarde en que Huracán Hugo se acercaba a la isla. Pinté hasta que el viento sopló la pintura de mi caballete por segunda vez. Fue un huracán horrible y arrasó por completo con todos los árboles. Puedes ver la montaña El Yunque a lo lejos, donde los indios taínos creían que sus dioses vivían y protegían la isla de los huracanes. Es uno de los sitios turísticos más visitados de Puerto Rico.

The World’s Greatest Challenge!

Saving God’s Creation

The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws,
violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant.    Isa 24:5

                         On Earth as it is in Heaven


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Visualizing Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’


A.Vonn Hartung designed this poster for an ecumenical conference on the environment organized by the Catholic Commission on Justice and Peace in Puerto Rico on Earth Day 1993.
The poster is interactive. Hence the participants who purchased the posters received crayons. Proceeds went to the Faith-based environmental movement.
It depicts St. Francis giving thanks for Creation but he stands in a semi-polluted world. The scripture reading is from Isaiah 24:5 (“The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant”).


                                     Breath of Life    


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                                                  Latter-Day Jonah

“Latter-Day Jonah” is a concept, that is, a drawing with a paste on image of planet Earth. It speaks of the crisis that we face with climate change due to the overuse of carbons in our energy consumption. Furthermore it highlights the unsustainable development that is taking place because of our predatory economic system. In fact, the technology that we have developed is so powerful that it is threatening to destroy the natural balance of God’s creation.

The threat that we witness in the drawing is both the terrestrial devastation shown by the power of the bulldozer and the crisis we face in over-fishing and pollution of our oceans. Here we see a young fisherman being swallowed like Jonah by a giant fish. This is symbolic of the Awakening of consciousness that we as a species are Awakening to as scientific data is revealed to us.

This drawing in some ways is a self-portrait. Indeed I recall becoming aware of the crisis that we face as Humanity peers into and contemplates our future.


                                       Thorns of Christ



"El Jíbaro" oil portrait by AVonnHartung
                                                        El Jíbaro


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Teacher Mentor Friend Hero

As I prepare to travel to my high school reunion, the image which completely dominates my mind’s eye is Francis X Sweeney, an iconic figure in my life and in the lives of generations of students in Waterford, Connecticut.


Francis X Sweeney (circa 1960)
Francis X Sweeney (circa 1960)

“Fran Sweeney has been the face of athletics in Waterford, Connecticut from an education perspective, for 60 plus years. He was truly the originator of the athletic program. Every sport that came about, he would have his hand in setting it up for the school.” (Dan Steward, First Selectman)

A native of Maine, Mr. Sweeney began teaching physical education in Waterford in 1951. When the high school opened in 1956, he became the first athletic director, and also taught math, science and health. He coached nearly every sport and doubled as a trainer, lifeguard and swimming instructor. A father of six and devoted husband to Betty Cragin Sweeney, he was insistent on having as many sports for women as men. He was committed to Waterford, becoming a member of both the Boards of Education and the Waterford Recreation and Parks Committee.

When finally retiring after 28 years of teaching and coaching, he began a new career in nursing and sports medicine which earned him the honorable title of “Doc” and all this while still coaching at Connecticut College and officiating softball. He fulfilled his own motto “Do your best!”

You didn’t have to be an athlete to be in Fran’s inner circle. He looked at who the person was and what their qualities were.

Portrait of a Hero Francis X Sweeney, TeacherMentorFriend_oil portrait by AVonnHartung
Francis X Sweeney, “TeacherMentorFriend” Oil portrait

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He loved the students of Waterford, acting as a mentor to many.

He was a terrific person from a high school kid’s perspective. He was always so approachable. I think every kid that went through those halls had a similar perspective to who he was. He had this magnetism that was pretty powerful.” (Jim Cavalieri WHS 1973)

In April 2013 I contacted a group of friends from the class of 1960 and we launched a grassroots effort to change a 213 year old town policy which prohibited naming buildings or fields after any one person.

It was like a tsunami! It took on a life of its own. Communicating with all these people, most of them much younger than me, that’s what would have excited Fran the most, that we were all connecting and working together.

Hundreds of people signed petitions and on September 26th the Board of Education voted to change the policy and on October 29th unanimously voted to name the new athletic complex the Francis X Sweeney Field House.

Now, 213 years later, they have changed the policy and the town has assumed a personality. And there is no better personality to choose than Francis X Sweeney.

Plaque Text for Francis X Sweeney Field House
Plaque Text for Francis X Sweeney Field House

See the video tribute to Francis X Sweeney


I was deeply inspired to paint an oil portrait of Mr. Sweeney shortly after he passed away in December 2012. The painting was later reproduced as a very large giclee print on canvas and unveiled by the Sweeney family at the Dedication Ceremony  in January 2014.

Sweeney Family unveils portrait of Francis X Sweeney by AVonnHartung
Sweeney Family unveils portrait of Francis X Sweeney by AVonnHartung

The idea of painting a portrait was planted in my mind even before I thought about naming the field house for him. He was such a good friend and it was something that I could do despite me being so far away.

“The portrait…shows Sweeney in the foreground holding a basketball, as if he were inviting the viewer to join him to shoot some hoops.”

When I started, I closed my eyes and thought of Fran in his fullest. The essence of Fran Sweeney was that he wanted to play ball and he wanted you to play ball with him. He wanted people to learn, to have fun and to feel good in their own bodies.



Television Interview with A.Vonn Hartung

Update: See the video interview

EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) will be airing an interview on March 5, 2015 with A.Vonn Hartung about Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago, and Vonn’s experience painting the portrait that is at the Vatican.

THE CHURCH IN PUERTO RICO (30 minute duration)
Thursday March 5 at 3:00 am & 6:30 pm Eastern Time
[Puerto Rico time: 4:00 am and 7:30 pm]

The first 15 minutes of the program is a conversion story about a young man who turned his life around and is now studying for the priesthood; the second part is the interview with Vonn.

The EWTN program can be seen on–
Liberty Cablevision Channel 103 ( in Puerto Rico)
Dish Network Channel 261
DirecTV Channel 350

Please visit the EWTN website for channel listings in your local area.

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago portrait by AVonnHartung_at Pontifical North American College Vatican
“Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago”
Oil portrait-
at Pontifical North American College, Vatican


This is the oil portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Santiago by A.Vonn Hartung © 2001, presented to the Pontifical North American College at the Vatican on the occasion of the beatification of Carlos Manuel on 29 april 2001, and is on permanent display there in the Hall of Saints. Learn more

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Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego

"Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego" painting by AVonnHartung
“Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego” painting by AVonnHartung

Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Mexico and Empress of the Americas…today December 12, the day that she left her image imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma. (translation from La Palabra Entre Nosotros)

This painting also celebrates St. Juan Diego, whose Feast Day is December 9th.

In 2003 I was commissioned by Parroquia San Ignacio (9:30 Community) in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to paint “Our Lady of Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego” to be given as a gift to Father Donald Vega SJ, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as a priest. (She is his personal patron saint)

I added a personal detail by including his dog Luigi in the foreground. Luigi and Lola were orphaned dogs taken in by Father Vega. They would lie down before the altar and in the first pew everyday as he celebrated mass.

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A brief history of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Spanish translation follows

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Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez was beatified thirteen years ago today on April 29, 2001, by His Holiness (now Saint) John Paul II. Furthermore, “he was the first Puerto Rican, the first Caribbean-born layperson and the first layperson in the history of the United States to be beatified.

At the core of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez’ spirituality (Pope John Paul II  said) was his faith in the Resurrection. He promoted the Easter Vigil as the defining moment of Christian spiritual life, repeating often, “We live for that night.” (Vivimos para esa Noche)

BlessedCarlosManuel Rodriguez2_vonn hartung
Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez
Oil portrait by A. Vonn Hartung 2001

In 2001 I was deeply honored and humbled to be commissioned by the archbishop of San Juan, Monsignor Roberto González Nieves, to paint the official portrait of Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez. Significantly, it was to be given as a gift from Puerto Rico to the Pontifical North American College in Vatican City. Indeed it is exhibited there in the Hall of Saints.

The Portrait is painted with various symbolic elements. They express a visual prayer that “speaks to the eye”. In other words, what was it that helped bring Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez to such an intimate connectedness to our Lord and Savior? The absolute serenity and joy in Charlie’s look is the faith that we seek. It is the faith that seeks us.

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